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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 8000

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Hey guys, Im looking for a new cage for my Bauer 8000 helmet. What do you guys think looks the best on the helmet itself. What do you suggest for a new cage?

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the 4000 looks fine. not matter what you do though, stay away from the 8000 cage because it's just about hte ugliest cage ever made, unless they have it in white.

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stay away from the 8000 cage because it's just about the ugliest cage ever made

I agree on that aswell. I found a cage in the basement i put on. Its the Itech RBE III i2 on it. It looks alright.

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the 4000 looks fine. not matter what you do though, stay away from the 8000 cage because it's just about hte ugliest cage ever made, unless they have it in white.

Aren't the actual cages of the 4000 and the 8000 the same? I though the only differences were the color/finish and floating chin cup on the 8000 with Jofa type attachments.

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the 4000 looks fine.  not matter what you do though, stay away from the 8000 cage because it's just about hte ugliest cage ever made, unless they have it in white.

Aren't the actual cages of the 4000 and the 8000 the same? I though the only differences were the color/finish and floating chin cup on the 8000 with Jofa type attachments.

i'm not sure, when i was in my LHS last, the 8000 cage looked different form the 4000, it looked smaller and more angular

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i think from the front, the 480 looks awesome...not so much from the side though. I use a 480 on mine. Apparently my team is getting RBK helmets this year so my 8000 will be going away soon.

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