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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tying Skates

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I'd like to gather some opinions from the school of skate tying. I work in hockey retail and just about every other person that tries on skates wraps the laces around the ankle. I can see doing it in a low end skate or the skates of yore, but with current technologies I don't see how a lace is going to add more support to your V-12's or whatever. If anything I would think it would be detrimental to a skaters stride because they can't get a full forward flex in their skate. I'd like to hear what others have to say about it. Although this is my first post, I have been lurking on this board and reading it for sometime now so I'm not a complete newbie. :D

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I agree that you don't need to do it. A lot of the guys here who do it wrap them around the base of the tendon guard, snapping the tendon guard after a couple games at most.

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Wouldnt it work just to tie them tighter instead of wrapping em around?

I only know people who wrap there laces around the skate because they're to long. Why dont they just get smaller is what i say.

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Good point. I have never thought about that. I guess i do it just out of habit from when i was younger. Next stick & puck ill try my skates without it.

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i do it because my nike stock lace are too long...but i tried my skate without wrapping them and i do feel a bit better in forward flexion oh well it was just a matter of time before i buy some other lace...

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