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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Four Brothers

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Saw it last night - had a vested interest in it - Mark Wahlberg bought skates from us in Orlando and was down there at RDV for 2 wks at the public session trying to learn how to skate; one of our hockey instructors was helping him out. I think we failed.

Other than that, a pretty good movie. Showed Detroit in a positive light :rolleyes:

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I saw it last weekend.

Funny you mention his skating...or lack thereof! That was one of the first things I said to the wife after the movie. While very cool that hockey was featured, I SURELY wish he had spent more time on his skillz...! Hell, he's from Boston...I would have expected better!

Aside from that, good movie. At first I thought I wasn't going to like it as much as I did - but towards the middle / end it really picked up. The machine gun scene was pretty intense.

Pretty town, that Detroit... :rolleyes:

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I'll have to wait for the rental. Andre 3000, Marky Mark and Tyrese in one movie? Not to mention Singleton hasn't made a good movie in over 10 years. I smell turd.

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He bought Vapor XXs from us but I couldn't make out what he was wearing in the movie. After the movie I was telling Kristin the story and she was like "So all you were interested in while watching the movie was what skates he was in?"

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He bought Vapor XXs from us but I couldn't make out what he was wearing in the movie. After the movie I was telling Kristin the story and she was like "So all you were interested in while watching the movie was what skates he was in?"

That's our JR...*L*

Is Andre any good in it? I thought he was hilarious in the Get Shorty Sequel.

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Yeh i just saw the movie too, thought it was pretty good, but was hard to follow at some points. Yes, the machine gun scene was intense!

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I saw it last night and give it two thumbs up. The girl who I went with gave out a sound of aggravation when the hockey scene started. She figured that's why I wanted to see the movie (even though I had no clue there was any hockey involved.) I thought Marky Mark did a decent part in "Italian Job"so I figured I'd give this a whirl. Great movie, lots of action and emotion....also shows that Puerto Rican chicks are NUTS!

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He bought Vapor XXs from us but I couldn't make out what he was wearing in the movie. After the movie I was telling Kristin the story and she was like "So all you were interested in while watching the movie was what skates he was in?"

vapor XX's to start learning in?!?! movie stars <_<

how was andre 3000's skating? i read an interview where he said he hated hockey for the first 2 days, but then after the third, he started enjoying it and decided that he'd spend more time skating even after the movie was done. i'd love to see a hockey themed outkast video haha

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I can't really see in the previews how this even remotely can be called a remake of "The Sons of Katie Elder". Doesn't seem very close to me- at least in the previews.

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im going to see it tomorrow night hopefully. im really looking forward to it. the girl im going with has already seen it but she wants to go agian with me.

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