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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Exact Release Dates

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When is the Exact Release dates on the New Mission's, Tour Skates? I've been reading all about them but have not found an exact release date. If I read right there suppose to come out this month but pls give me a date to start looking for them.. Also any price estimates on these would be awesome!!! Lets get to the Point!

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well some of the Tour stuff is out already..I don't think you can have exact dates..the stuff is made, shipped over..needs to clear customs ..where something can go wrong..ie. Oxygen had a bunch of boxes that weren't stamped Made in Austria a few years back on the skate/snowboard side..it needs to be rec'd by the mfg...allocated and shipped..so an Oct 15 release is the end of the month for some..but not for all...

maybe one day the sport will be big enough where we have apple type release parties..

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Who's got the new Tour stuff? I've checked all the big online retailers...nothing so far.

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Here is a news flash to those not in the industry. There is never an official reease date. We get the stuff from MFGRS when they either feel like sending it, or get their asses into gear and actually make product to ship. And then the small dealers only get it after the bigger guys. Gotta keep the big fish happy right guys. Gota spend two weeks selling old and second shit at Bobs sale right? Selling seconds before we get our full shipment of regular vapor 30's was my personal favorite. Not to mention at below our cost. Gotta love that. Fucking joke of an industry.

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Here is a news flash to those not in the industry. There is never an official reease date. We get the stuff from MFGRS when they either feel like sending it, or get their asses into gear and actually make product to ship. And then the small dealers only get it after the bigger guys. Gotta keep the big fish happy right guys. Gota spend two weeks selling old and second shit at Bobs sale right? Selling seconds before we get our full shipment of regular vapor 30's was my personal favorite. Not to mention at below our cost. Gotta love that. Fucking joke of an industry.

someone here is bitter... :rolleyes:

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Here is a news flash to those not in the industry. There is never an official reease date. We get the stuff from MFGRS when they either feel like sending it, or get their asses into gear and actually make product to ship. And then the small dealers only get it after the bigger guys. Gotta keep the big fish happy right guys. Gota spend two weeks selling old and second shit at Bobs sale right? Selling seconds before we get our full shipment of regular vapor 30's was my personal favorite. Not to mention at below our cost. Gotta love that. Fucking joke of an industry.

someone here is bitter... :rolleyes:

Nearly every retailer the industry is jaded like that.

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I already got my Code-1's at narch. When these skates come out they are gonna fly off the shelves like hotcakes or something. too bad companies don;t do a preorder where you can reserve a pair.

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just so you know frisbee..some mfgs do the opposite..Easton to name one..and give the product to the smaller and LHS stuff first before moving on to the Giant..don't like the industry get out

but that's a perfect picture..bunch of guys just sitting around..doing nothing..and one goes "hey wanna make an elbow pad today" and the others go "nah...let's do it tomorrow"....

just curious frisbee, ever deal with customs?? overseas factories, waiting on a piece of plastic to complete a couple thousand pairs of skates from widget Y company who is backordered?? didn't think so...

if you tell your customers that you'll have product in the store on the dates provided...that's just asinine..adding 2 weeks to that date..pretty close most of the times..and we all know who falls in that group and who misses the mark by weeks and months...fool me once ..shame on you..fool me twice....

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Wheres Justin on this Topic. Maybe busy or for liability issues he cant say anything. But you would think he would give us a closer time frame.

What happens if Tour skates come out first and I try on a pair and love the feel but yet Im sitting here having no Idea when the Missions are coming out.

Im not going to wait for something that I dont even know when or if there coming out. I guess same goes back to Tour as well. My opinion if there a organized company and got there act togeather they should be able to give a date.

You cant tell me they sit in a room having meeting with the VPs and CEO and say well I really have no Idea what date were going to shoot for lets just see what happens and see how fast we get our materials for our product.

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We are starting shipping around the 1st of October, with some models coming the 1st of November....

It is not as easy to give exact dates as some on this board think...We build in months for problems that may arise...Sometimes they arise and sometimes they don't...We do everything in power to make sure that no problems exist (especially this year)...

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i've always wondered... why does the release dates for new rollerhockey stuff come out in the winter when most roller hockey seasons are over?

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Thanks Justin! There you go guys now we have alot better idea. I think we all understand that its tough for mission or tour to give exact dates but I hope they understand as there supporting customers we deserve to know better timeline. Thanks Justin and too Mission for keeping us in the loop... Anyone from Tour want to give us a time frame on there skates??

I dont know if its just me but I been checking Missions website for these updates but know where found anything about there new products.. I think it would majorly help mission out if they put updates on new products on there website.. But maybe Im missing something...

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