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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crazy idea

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Anyone here ever tried putting tennis overgrips over the tape knob? Tennis seasons is winding down for me and I tried putting half of a overgrip on the top end of the shaft. Haven't used it yet, but IMO it should be a lot easier to replace.

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I tried it, cushiony and grippy, but it kept unravelling. I was using "Tournagrip".

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What I did what to put 1 layer over the existing knob, that way when it begins to stink up the joint I dont have to take over an hour to get everything off.

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You're basically describing Oggie Grip's Sticky Grip Foam.

Even though it is wider, its squishiness is what people like about; it actually allows you to hold more tightly. I was in a booth at the Chowder Cup with Joe and he would hand two stick pieces to players, one with regular "spining", the other with the Sticky Grip Foam. I can't recall anyone liking the spining better.

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