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Recovery time for Ankle sprain

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I have seen posts on Ankle sprains before but wanted to see if anyone else was in my situation before.

Last night was the last game of the regular season and in the end of the first period a chump hooked my knee pit and I slammed my left foot into the boards. Hurt enough that I could not get up right away. I knew it was a sprain but walked it off, taped the top of my boot and kept playing. After the game rushed home and iced it for about an hour before going to bed. In the morning it was stiff but not swolen that I could tell. Spent the morning icing every hour and doing stretches that I read to do on the net (suggested for first 3-5 days). I knew after the injury that playing on adrenaline would make it only worse but I also knew that I'd miss the playoffs anyway since we had a short bench so said what the heck (won 5-2)

Anyone have a similar injury and can convey how long it took them? (I'm 39)

I have the Fall/Winter season first practice and opening game in 4 weeks. Hoping not to miss it.

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Whatever you do, don't rush recovery or cheat on what the doctor says. I did and reinjured my ankle. It has been almost 3 years since I supposedly recovered, but am prone to ankle injuries more than ever, my ankle seems a lot weaker than it was because I constantly "roll" it when I run and things, which hurts like a bitch.

But, see what the doc has to say, and see how it feels before you lace up. You have to take in account your age as well, older bodies tend to take a little longer to heal.

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Depending on the severity of the sprain, it could take a while. Just take your time, don't push it and you should be fine.

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I munged my ankle at work once and I hobbled along for about a month, then went to play basketball when I thought it was OK, and I rolled it again. I even had an ankle splint/brace on at the time. My suggestion is to not play on it untill it feels better then once it felt better, I'd wait that period of time again before I played on it. Ankles are funny that way, you think you're better than you wreck it again. I'd just be careful and take my time. I'm not a doctor nor did I stay at a holiday inn express that's just my experience.

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I would take three out of the four weeks off....then use the last week before the start of the new season to play a couple times so you're not too rusty.

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I currently have a sprained ankle and I can do most things on it but somtimes it still hurts so I went to the doctor to see how its healing and my doctor said it can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks to heal.

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If you can afford it, go to Physiotherapy. They're great at speeding up the healing process and at monitoring your progression back to playing.


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i once sprained my ankle 3 days befroe my first yr of prep hockey trainign camp. i took 3 ice bath a day which is where u fill a bucket with ice cold water, then throw ice and and just throw ur ankle in there for 30 mins. first 5 mins ull feel like you want to puke, but i was 85% come monday

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I've been lucky on the ankle side of the things but have had some issues...my folks had an OLD dr scholls type foot massager and that thing would shake and vibrate in a bad way..but coupled with some rest, ice, ibuprofen, etc...would get rid of it in a matter of days...i'm thining it just gave it major blood flow...

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Doc gave me basically the same advise as the link above. After following the program above for the first 4 days, I feel much better. The stretching exercises alone are doing wonders along with the Ice I put on it for the first 4 days.

The nurse for my doc (A guy that used to be in the army) plays hockey and told me he tapes up the top of his scates due to all his previous ankle injuries. Anyone else tape up the tops?

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It helps less serious injuries like sprains to alternate temperature treatments to keep bloodflow in the area then minimize swelling. Grab a book then bring a bucket of ice water into the bathroom and but pretty warm (not hot) water in the tub. Alternate 15 minutes in each. It will feel really wierd, but it works. Don't start stretching too much right off or you will be subject to tearing something. Massage will help too.

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Well its been a week and I'm doing much better. I can walk almost without a limp.

Wife thinks I'm crazy but I'm gonna dress for the Adult Hockey Leauge championship game tomorrow night. I'll probably tape up the tops of my boot and give it a go.

Winter season does not start for another 3 weeks and I figure its not every year I'm on a team in the finals so I'll give it a go even if it means I miss a couple games as a result. Its not like its the Stanly Cup but its as close as I'll ever get at my age. I told her that sometimes there are moments where you just have to suck it up and play hurt even if it means you'll come out of it worse than you went into it.

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Well its been a week and I'm doing much better. I can walk almost without a limp.

Wife thinks I'm crazy but I'm gonna dress for the Adult Hockey Leauge championship game tomorrow night. I'll probably tape up the tops of my boot and give it a go.

Winter season does not start for another 3 weeks and I figure its not every year I'm on a team in the finals so I'll give it a go even if it means I miss a couple games as a result. Its not like its the Stanly Cup but its as close as I'll ever get at my age. I told her that sometimes there are moments where you just have to suck it up and play hurt even if it means you'll come out of it worse than you went into it.

Good luck.

And, ahem, that's Stanley Cup. (Note the spelling.)

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We won 8-4. came from behind 0-2 in the first period.

Having a hurt ankle made me more consious about staying low and keeping my knees bent when making contact or getting close to the boards. The first game I did not fall on my a$$ at least once during "incidental contact"

It did set me back a couple days in how my ankle feels as some of the swelling came back.

Well worth it though :D

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