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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Might as well do one up for my favorite team.


Reppin Beantown YEAAA.

Fav team aswell... must forget this season is what i tell myself.

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The One 90 original Shox are probably still the best, but here's more quickies.

Now I got some Nike Shox Basketball on RBKs, a normal Basketball Shoe on RBKs, and figure skating blades on a One90. I tinted the RBK B Balls slightly green.




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Ahhhhahahaha, Nice figureskating One90's...

And if that RBK9K Pump snowboarding boot was a bit more touched up I would actually buy them.

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Here's what you've all been waiting for, the newest, most high tech creation from Nike yet. The One90 Shox. </sarcasm> Yes, they are that bad.

Don't let Nike see those, they'll actually do it.

Seriously somone needs to put a holder on them and that would be prime. Nice job on the Shox addition... That's spectacular.

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Edit: put LS2 Powers on the one90 with the shox

^ Like have the boot, then the shox, and then a blade? That would look ugly.

Alright I'll delete the tendor guards and put on the airmax 360s after school. Supermanly could you post a pic of the shoes?

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Here's what you've all been waiting for, the newest, most high tech creation from Nike yet.  The One90 Shox. </sarcasm>  Yes, they are that bad.

Don't let Nike see those, they'll actually do it.

Seriously somone needs to put a holder on them and that would be prime. Nice job on the Shox addition... That's spectacular.

In theory, I'd think that these concept skate shoes wouldn't work due to the fact that you might just break an ankle or two in the jogging process.. I dont think a Patent pending is neccesary lol.. Very Very cool idea though..

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I have a friend that wants to know if someone would be able to paint/dye a pair of XXX skates all black? If so what kind of paint or dye would you recomend?

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Because I am taking requests for bottoms of skates and I asked him to post a sneaker and I would take that bottom and put it on a skate like my previous post. I've have those 360s done later today. Got some school.

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