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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Photoshopped Equipment

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Haha. I skimmed the post and thought he meant it would be hard to change the holders in PS. Well here's a PS version.


Those go with the skates "futuristic" look perfectly. Those are sick

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Can someone whip up a quick pic of Externo 60's with black tuuks. Im debating whether to get white or black tuuks on my externos and I wanna see what blacks look like.

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Skate boot design is REAL, just not real photo, that's all. Photoshopped the LS2 holders to see what it'd look like before I TRY and do it (probably turn out a disaster)

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Skate boot design is REAL, just not real photo, that's all. Photoshopped the LS2 holders to see what it'd look like before I TRY and do it (probably turn out a disaster)

howd u get your flexlites black? You color em in or somethin?

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Skate boot design is REAL, just not real photo, that's all. Photoshopped the LS2 holders to see what it'd look like before I TRY and do it (probably turn out a disaster)

howd u get your flexlites black? You color em in or somethin?

Custom from NBH B)

I joke.

Nah, I used this black leather scuff cover I got from a shoe repair shop and when polishing shoes, it sorta dripped onto my skates and I thought "Hmm, might as well do it". Did it, waited for it to dry, got some white fabric paint and painted the Nike Swoosh and that stripe thing.

The black DOES come off so I need to find some other way to coat it.

You'll get some good looks. :D

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Yeah it does but only if the boot touches the ice. The area around the ankle's coming off but that's because I've been tripped, hooked, slashed and hit by the puck around that area.

God bless the Flexlites!!

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Composite Tuuks

man they look hot! for whatever reason i like that composite finish, i liked it when the bauer 5000 first came out wizh that little composite outsole, those carbon tuuks would look great on kor´s!

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The first one is better, but neither look like hockey jerseys. They look like soccer maillots or something... *shrug*

I wouldn't spend money on that.

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The first one is better, but neither look like hockey jerseys. They look like soccer maillots or something... *shrug*

I wouldn't spend money on that.

I agree.. I'd go with something with more of a hockey look to it..

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whbd18, you never stop impressing us! could you by chance put some white t-blades on some fuel 110 AG jsut want to see what they look like before i contemplate getting them


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whbd18, you never stop impressing us! could you by chance put some white t-blades on some fuel 110 AG jsut want to see what they look like before i contemplate getting them



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