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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new pants

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hey guys, im looking to buy a high-end hockey pant, i went windo shopping yesterday and really liked the rbk 8k and the easton synergy 900, what are your opinions on these pants, also cna you make some ohter suggestions to the pant i should get, thanks

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The Synergy is a nice pant. I'm also interested in the RBK 8K and would like to hear some initial thoughts from those who have them.

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Try the MSH search engine.. You'd be surprised at how many pant topics have been covered..

Thanks for the tip. The Search Feature is AWESOME when used right. Most of the opinions are from someone seeing them in their LHS, or some from even trying them on. I'm looking for someone who is using them.

For example, I have the Bauer 8000's right now. Felt great when I tried them on. Light, mobile, so I bought them. From using them now I can't deal with the lack of inner thigh protection. Therefore when folks ask about the 6000 or 8000 pant, I'm able to provide some first hand feedback on how they've been for me.

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Try out some nice Tackla's if you can. But of course go with the ones that fit best.

I was never a big fan until we brought some in to the shop. Very comfortable, excellent protection and still fairly light.

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I have the RBK 8k. Not bad at all. Pretty light and mobile, but also sufficiently protective. My only problem with the pant is the curved ass-bone pad - not really noticable when you're standing and moving around, but a little uncomfortable when you sit down.

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You know, you might hit up Jason. He sells Salming stuff and I've been wanting a guinea pig... er, someone in need to buy a pair and let me know what they're like (my current ones are ratty, but haven't quite fallen apart yet).

They look pretty nice (on the net), and you'd likely get a high curiousity factor by the guys in the lockerroom if nothing else (which is of interest to some).

Check out his site at http://www.salmingusa.com/

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hey guys, im looking to buy a high-end hockey pant, i went windo shopping yesterday and really liked the rbk 8k and the easton synergy 900, what are your opinions on these pants, also cna you make some ohter suggestions to the pant i should get, thanks

I got a pair of 8k's and LOVE them. I think I wrote a pseudo review somewhere around here.

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Thanks, Ogie. :)

I was going to post, but I think someone mentioned wanting inner thigh protection. We have a zipper there, so there's no padding.

That said, I've had people who've used the pants tell me they compare to pants with MSRP's around $130-$150, so I know they're good pants at my MSRP of $99.90. Yet, they might have too much padding for some people's tastes. Of course, I've known players to take out the pads they don't want....

PS I'm sure if you stopped using the door and jumped over the boards instead, you'd catch a rivet and finally sound the death knell on those pants. ;)

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You know, you might hit up Jason.  He sells Salming stuff and I've been wanting a guinea pig... er, someone in need to buy a pair and let me know what they're like (my current ones are ratty, but haven't quite fallen apart yet). 

They look pretty nice (on the net), and you'd likely get a high curiousity factor by the guys in the lockerroom if nothing else (which is of interest to some).

Check out his site at http://www.salmingusa.com/

I wore my new Salming Pro Pants last night. LOVE THEM!

BTW: I am an XL guy who squeezed into an L Salming pant. Snug, but wasn't too restricting.

What i like best:

  • The inner barrel is very simple- swedish blue padded nylon
  • very flexible and easy to move in
  • inside leg zippers
  • Antibacterial liner
  • they look and feel good on the rack and on-ice
  • First Tier Pant/Second Tier price

The Salming stuff that I've tried so far has been a surprisingly excellent experience. I'm way impressed.

I now have:

the gloves, stick and pants & coolfeel socks

all first tier products at second tier prices. that equals great value in my books.

addendum: My 99th post, schwing to that!!

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when you say inner thigh protection, what exactly do you mean. Are you talking about the hip flexor area or actually inside the thigh?

Hockechamp, are you asking me what I mean by inner thigh protection, or whoever it was who mentioned it earlier?

If you're asking me, then the answer is I'm referring to the inner thighs. I would say the pants are fairly well padded through the hip flexors, but just below that are the interior zippers, and there is no padding there.

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Jason, you need to fix your pic again (big red X here).

However, I have a pair of Hespeller pants. They don't have any inner thigh protection what so ever. Do pants typically have pads there? Not sure what would end up between your legs which would cause bruising or need for protection (keep that clean).

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However, I have a pair of Hespeller pants.  They don't have any inner thigh protection what so ever.  Do pants typically have pads there?

Most pants that Ive had, including those with zippers have had the thigh pad wrap/curve ever so slightly inward to cover the most anterior portion of the inner thigh. I think the problem I'm having with the Bauer 8000's is that my thighs and legs are fairly big from years of running and skating and the Bauers have the inner material that is spandex like, which is causing the thigh pad to shift outwards just enough to leave me more vulnerable.

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when you say inner thigh protection, what exactly do you mean. Are you talking about the hip flexor area or actually inside the thigh?

Hockechamp, are you asking me what I mean by inner thigh protection, or whoever it was who mentioned it earlier?

If you're asking me, then the answer is I'm referring to the inner thighs. I would say the pants are fairly well padded through the hip flexors, but just below that are the interior zippers, and there is no padding there.

Well I was more talking to mojo. Because the main thing is that virtually no pads protect the inside of your thighs. I mean some are curved a bit, but I have some pro stock bauer pants that are absolutely loaded in front padding, and have no inner thigh.

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Yeah, my Hespellers have the same sort of hard plastic that does curve a bit, but it is not truely inner thigh protective. Every so often if I'm trying to block a shot and it looks like it's going to whistle by I wll stick my leg out like an upside-down 4 and catch one on the inside of my leg, but I've never gotten bruised there in any other fashion (I suppose if someone's stick were to get in there somehow that might do it - but it's never happened to me in such a way that I got bruised due to that).

I would think that padding wouldn't be desired there as it would likely cause the pants to rub together (unless you're bow-legged).

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