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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Vapor XXX OPS Warranty Replacement?

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yes bauer sticks have a warrenty. its 45 days (correct me if im wrong) just take it back to you LHS with the recpet and see what they can do for you.

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its just 30 days they stopped the 45 day warranty. the lhs sends the stick back to bauer for a replacement for the customer. because the replacement comes with an R at the bottom because it shows its a replacement and replacements dont have warrantys and if they dont send the curve you like or the proper flex if theres none. abit off topic but theres certain things that are also only supposed to be warrantied one time like runners also if the runners are more than half used there not supposed to be warrantied. but yeah bauers pretty good for time with replacement sticks

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What my LHS does is they take your broken vapor xx or xxx and let you take a new one right off the shelf.

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What my LHS does is they take your broken vapor xx or xxx and let you take a new one right off the shelf.

yeah my LHS does that too. but they just resently started making you send eastons back.

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its just 30 days they stopped the 45 day warranty. the lhs sends the stick back to bauer for a replacement for the customer. because the replacement comes with an R at the bottom because it shows its a replacement and replacements dont have warrantys and if they dont send the curve you like or the proper flex if theres none. abit off topic but theres certain things that are also only supposed to be warrantied one time like runners also if the runners are more than half used there not supposed to be warrantied. but yeah bauers pretty good for time with replacement sticks

Not sending the same flex or curve is not a very customer friendly policy.

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well then would you want to wait until they had your curve in stock since there all getting stamped now with replacement? easton has a direct return that way they know nobody is scamming them for sticks. weve been making customers send back easton sticks for over a year now or we can do it for them but we just charge them a shipping cost same with bauer

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I prefer for the customer to send broke sticks back. I like the way CCm/RBK does it, all the warranty instructions on the side of the stick, you call the 1800 number and it's painless.

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I let the customer know at the time of purchase about the warranty and that they will have to ship back any defective OPS themselves. I stay away from the headache of "where's my replacement stick,etc., etc.?"

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I let the customer know at the time of purchase about the warranty and that they will have to ship back any defective OPS themselves. I stay away from the headache of "where's my replacement stick,etc., etc.?"

I'm not fond of having to pay shipping both ways to return a defective product.

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I let the customer know at the time of purchase about the warranty and that they will have to ship back any defective OPS themselves. I stay away from the headache of "where's my replacement stick,etc., etc.?"

I'm not fond of having to pay shipping both ways to return a defective product.

thats why we let our customers know if they want us to ship the sticks back theres going to be a shipping charge

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