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Need Shoulder Pads

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Hey everyone here is my problem I am playing in this inhouse mens league and they require shoulder pads. I try to avoid them as much as possible because it make me feel like a robot skating with them. Does anyone got any suggestions on a pair of light very mobile shoulder pads? I was looking at the sherwood traditionals. Any imput would be greatly app.


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A lot of the guys I play with like these, they're similar to the sher-wood model you mentioned:


Or these if you like a more modern style:


They have a plastic insert along the spine and sternum but are very comfy.

I would use the DR website, but it still wasn't functional last time I looked.

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I skated with a Lacrosse shoulder pad for a while before getting a pair of traditionals..although I like the Bauer's as they have a little more protection...

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chad (or anyone else), have you ever ordered from puckhog before? or are you just referencing that site since it has pictures? :) just curious, they have some stuff i would like to order, but have never heard of them before...

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chad (or anyone else), have you ever ordered from puckhog before? or are you just referencing that site since it has pictures? :) just curious, they have some stuff i would like to order, but have never heard of them before...

I'm referencing the site because of the pictures but I know the site is safe to use.

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Have you have any luck with shoulder pads yet? I am looking for some light pads, but maybe a little more protection than those pictured above, but I don'w want football pads if you know what I mean. I am looking for some suggestions as well.

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Have you have any luck with shoulder pads yet? I am looking for some light pads, but maybe a little more protection than those pictured above, but I don'w want football pads if you know what I mean. I am looking for some suggestions as well.

Anything Nike in the V- line.

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yeah i use the nike v10's great protection and mobility.

previously i used to DR axis 15's, those too were really mobile and offered decent protection (less than v10's) fit a little loosely. main reason i stopped using them was they were a little too big for me.

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Have you have any luck with shoulder pads yet? I am looking for some light pads, but maybe a little more protection than those pictured above, but I don'w want football pads if you know what I mean. I am looking for some suggestions as well.

Itech 660 or 440 are very mobile pads that offer a little more protection than the other two models.

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I second Ultraman's recommendation of the Nike V-10 shoulder pads. I've used these for over a year and they're way more mobile and less bulky than the old Jofa's I used to have, plus they offer decent protection for a Men's League.

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I use the Sher-Wood 5030's. Can't get any more mobile than that. It's as close to wearin' nothin you're gonna get. I've taken a few bumps and they're not bad. I'm more worried about someone tripping me up going full speed and sliding into the boards more than anything.

Sher-Wood 5030 SP

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I use the Sher-Wood 5030's. Can't get any more mobile than that. It's as close to wearin' nothin you're gonna get. I've taken a few bumps and they're not bad. I'm more worried about someone tripping me up going full speed and sliding into the boards more than anything.

Sher-Wood 5030 SP

I wish I could wear something like that. Problem is I have a bad left shoulder and no chest definition lol.

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