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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got My skates

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You should post a pic of em :) Must of custom ordered? or did you just change the stock holders to LS?

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hey i would like too...see some pic ..anywayz i'm a total newbie about graf skate...which model number fit like tack and flexlite??

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hey i would like too...see some pic ..anywayz i'm a total newbie about graf skate...which model number fit like tack and flexlite??

You wear wide skates right?

705's are for wide and thick feet (high instep). I'm not sure but I think they're the best of the 700 series for flat footed people too.

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ive skated in my new 735s with cobras for about 12 hours now, and they are great. the transition from t-blades back to cobras was a bit weird but that was exaggerated by the fact i hadnt skated all summer. after the first hour they felt absolutely great. only problem i had was that i had 2 practices a day all week for camp, and putting on the wet skates gave me blisters when i had to walk from one rink to the other. skates have been great to me.

i found that the 735s are the most comfortable graf skates, and they are a little deeper than the 705s...when i tried on 705s my foot was poping out of the tonge.

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Those issues have been resolved for the 05 models.

...oh how I wish that were the case: The replacement pair it took me so long to get were the '05s. Unfortunately, they fell apart almost as quickly as the first pair.

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that why...i keep away from GRAF i don't trust their durabillity issues and service seem to be really weak(well graf canada...)

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Those issues have been resolved for the 05 models.

...oh how I wish that were the case: The replacement pair it took me so long to get were the '05s. Unfortunately, they fell apart almost as quickly as the first pair.

same can be said for the vapors and vectors.

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ive never had a problem with grafs durability. i skate upwards of four five times a week, and last year i had a pair of used 735s that are still in good shape after 2 owners.

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One problem I see with all of this talk is just that it isn't going to be consistent with the number of pairs that Graf/Bauer/CCM/Mission, etc put out each year. Now, what happened to Lkpt sucks but I don't think that it necessarily means that Graf is a gongshow all over. Same with djinferno, that sucks too but it can't be an exact representation of how Graf's CS is all the time..

I just think that 2 bad pairs of skates or 10, per 1000 is not a bad number. That's bound to happen when skates, or anything for that matter, are made in mass numbers.

Just ranting...

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One problem I see with all of this talk is just that it isn't going to be consistent with the number of pairs that Graf/Bauer/CCM/Mission, etc put out each year. Now, what happened to Lkpt sucks but I don't think that it necessarily means that Graf is a gongshow all over. Same with djinferno, that sucks too but it can't be an exact representation of how Graf's CS is all the time..

I just think that 2 bad pairs of skates or 10, per 1000 is not a bad number. That's bound to happen when skates, or anything for that matter, are made in mass numbers.

Just ranting...

I see a lot of new Graf skates come in for sharpening because we have a good reputation and well over half of all new Grafs I see would not meet my personal standards to sell or wear.

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yea i know...i might be wrong too....i don't know really good graf ....that might be the only compagny that i really don't know anything(my only knowledge is by (like you said sherwood) is from you...)

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