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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what curve pattern can help me

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I played with a sakic for the first time in a couple real games, after using it all summer. The one thing I was having problems was when I would carry the puck, then shoot it quickly, my shot had very little velosity. The problem isn't in lack of weight transfer, as my forearms can fire the puck when I have open room, and a little more time. But when it just comes off my toe, my shot loses a lot.

So... I'm considering changing my curve. Should I look to use a heel curve which apparently is good for almost any shot... or should I look at some toe curves?

Also, could I just be better off working on a slight form change than changing my whole curve pattern?

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Try a lidstrom curve maybe,but I would buy a wood stick or blade with it first ,rather than composite ops or blade

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maybe your form is changing in games when your in a tight situation. play with it a few more games and then decide. i would say to try a drury, but im biased :)

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Is the loss of velocity maybe due to the puck slipping over the toe? I tried a Sakic and when snapping or wristing the puck quickly it felt like I was not able to to let it roll through the full lenght of the blade because it flatterd off the upper part of toe due to it beeing to open. That was my impression as I am used to snap my wrist pretty much throughout the release. Maybe you should try a deep mid/toe curve that is less open which will allow you to roll your wrist during the whole shot to increase velocity. Try Inno McCarthy or Easton Gaborik/Yzerman or CCM Rechi. I can´t shoot at all with a heel curve like the Lidstrom as I feel they don´t allow you to adjust your wrister through the curve during the shot but that you can only place your shot by the angle of the blade which I dislike. Maybe that´s just me personally but I tought I´d give you my 2 cents anyway.

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Let me get this straight...from reading other posts i've built up a belief that the drury is the"ultimate" curve for hockey, because its widely used, great for all shots, and handles like nothing else...But HOW LONG would it take for a guy whose using say a...modano/forsberg to switch... and why is it so good again?

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I switched from a recci when I moved to a sakic, I'll have to pull one of my blades back out...

Does anyone know what kind of blade Kovalchuk or Sakic use? Both guys get thier shots off similar to me on the go, so maybe that could help out.

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Is the higher lie of the Sakic giving you a problem? If the toe of the blade isn't on the ice it can prevent you from getting as much velocity on your shot. If you notice that you are fanning on the shot a little more often it's a good indication that the lie is too far off.

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Dude its all technique, has nothing to do with curve. Kovalchuk uses a banana and what your using right now (Sakic) is similar to it. Lie on the other hand.......

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I switched from a recci when I moved to a sakic, I'll have to pull one of my blades back out...

Does anyone know what kind of blade Kovalchuk or Sakic use? Both guys get thier shots off similar to me on the go, so maybe that could help out.

both of those guys use an open face blade. On of there curves is a mid curve and the other is a heel.

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Are you talking about the retail curves?

Sakics pro is like his retail, but longer and closer to the toe. Kovalchuks is a huge toe curve.

I'm thinking a Shanny in a 5 lie may be good for you.

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search about drury. its been talked about way too many times.

I wouldn't suggest a Drury. It seems he is having trouble in quick situations where he can't load up. With the Drury, you don't ever really load up, its mostly quick movements and I question whether he'd be able to use it.

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Let me get this straight...from reading other posts i've built up a belief that the drury is the"ultimate" curve for hockey, because its widely used, great for all shots, and handles like nothing else...But HOW LONG would it take for a guy whose using say a...modano/forsberg to switch... and why is it so good again?

it takes half a season, and a little more to get used to th4curve

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took me a couple of ice times to get used to it, and i would say a few weeks to develop a good technique with the drury. at first my slapshots were zipped but i couldnt get anything on snap shots, but everyone adjusts different. i can use just about any curve but drury has given me the best results

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Hockechamp,since youre in CT right? Go to the Wolfpack(AHL) Store and pick up a

Pro Stock Synergy for $20 if you are considering using a heel curve.

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I can go from Modano, to Drury, to Sakic, to some random curve, back to Drury, etc. Takes about 2 two shifts to adjust. Half a season? :rolleyes:

Exactly what I was thinking. I swap between lidstrom and drury curves every couple of games, I like the drury if I'm playing forward and the lidstrom if I'm playing on D. If it takes you a half a season to adjust to a different curve, you got some issues mang.

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It's always best to get a few wood blades to see what curve really works for you.

If you don't have the time or money to do this, then just buy a Drury/YP, lol.

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I can go from Modano, to Drury, to Sakic, to some random curve, back to Drury, etc. Takes about 2 two shifts to adjust. Half a season?   :rolleyes:

Exactly what I was thinking. I swap between lidstrom and drury curves every couple of games, I like the drury if I'm playing forward and the lidstrom if I'm playing on D. If it takes you a half a season to adjust to a different curve, you got some issues mang.

i used a druy for a whole season and got used to it completly in about 3 weeks. but it takes me a long time to get used to different hockey sticks and curves. (i only used the druy for that one season) i hated it. forsberg is the only way to go.

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Hockechamp,since youre in CT right? Go to the Wolfpack(AHL) Store and pick up a

Pro Stock Synergy for $20 if you are considering using a heel curve.

20$ for a synergy?? are you serious??.. :o

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Yes,but half of the sticks are broken in about 20 pieces.Some of them are in prstine condition,while others have broken blades, and then there are some that are in half or the handle is broken.But a good deal none the less.I go up there once a season,but all the synergys are older models and they had a bunch of xn10s and Response Plus in LH,but all the blades were cracked along the bottom. ;)

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