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nhl 06

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i just got the game and it is a lot easier to score goals which i like but the menu system really sucks... so many extra clicks is needed to do one simple change.

btw i ended up with kari lehtonen and sergei samsonov for symth, 1round pick and a bunch of throw ins so the trading options still could use some work but it's still a lot better then from a few years ago (didn't buy 2k5).

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I'm glad that all you guys like the game. I told you it would be awesome :D . I may be a little bit biased but as a long time NHL gamer, '06 is by far the best hockey game ever created.

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I'm glad that all you guys like the game. I told you it would be awesome :D . I may be a little bit biased but as a long time NHL gamer, '06 is by far the best hockey game ever created.

EAsports 06 or NHL 2k6

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I only got it to hold me over 'til I get 2K6 for the 360. Yeah it's a 100 times better than 05 was but the scoring is still way too high. It seems every time the computer passes it and shoots a one timer it always goes in. EA should include some goalie sliders besides the one at the controller screen.

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I'm glad that all you guys like the game.

LOL, wait till I get hold of the 06 here in Germany. You know from past years that I am a tough critic.

In the demo I have already found some things to bitch about. Notably it seems there is on of those ways to score 100% goals in it like deflections in the 04 (or was it 03) game.

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man, i got both and 2k6 an nhl2006 and 2k is way better and more realistic yet and the grafics are catching up to the point that I like the 2k's better...

I have to admit that theres some cool stuff on the ea game but for the most part, the puck physics make the game crappy yet again..

At the end of the day, i think it's the last time i send my money on EA's version of nhl, every year I trust them first on the fact that t'ill 2000 i was on them every year but for the past 5 years, 2k has come tru with a better product that to me is a real simulation of hockey....

kudos 2k sports

And the use that CBC anoucer that does the Maple Leafs games, hes briliant...

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I'm glad that all you guys like the game.

LOL, wait till I get hold of the 06 here in Germany. You know from past years that I am a tough critic.

In the demo I have already found some things to bitch about. Notably it seems there is on of those ways to score 100% goals in it like deflections in the 04 (or was it 03) game.

i found the final release to be much different than the demo.. The demo was most likely an earlier build and the game flows much smoother in the final release.

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I'm glad that all you guys like the game. I told you it would be awesome :D . I may be a little bit biased but as a long time NHL gamer, '06 is by far the best hockey game ever created.

Kobe, is it going to be coming out for Xbox 360? I see that 2K6 is, but I can't find anything on 2006.

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I'm glad that all you guys like the game.  I told you it would be awesome  :D .  I may be a little bit biased but as a long time NHL gamer, '06 is by far the best hockey game ever created.

Kobe, is it going to be coming out for Xbox 360? I see that 2K6 is, but I can't find anything on 2006.

THats a good question, im interested in the answer on this one.

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I'm glad that all you guys like the game.  I told you it would be awesome  :D .  I may be a little bit biased but as a long time NHL gamer, '06 is by far the best hockey game ever created.

Kobe, is it going to be coming out for Xbox 360? I see that 2K6 is, but I can't find anything on 2006.

It won't be part of the release titles for the 360 but definately look for it in the next cycle.

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Anyone know if 2K6 has a fantasy draft available for their Dynasty mode? I haven't played either yet, still waiting for them to come in. I have found MLB very capable of tiding me over though.

Also, when do the new systems come out? X-Box 360 and PS3?

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I really dislike the menu system, changing lines is such a hassle and trading is too, 04 menus were good. I like the gameplay, playing defence manually is so hard also the keyboard is just no good, a gamepad is nearly curcial for the skill stick.

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I just got it tonight for PS2, and I'm having trouble figuring out the "skill-stick" to perform the crazy dekes. Can anyone out there give me some tips or pointers. Thanks in advance! And to mention, worlds better than 05'. The game is actually really good in my opinion. Not to mention the "Retro NHL 94" too, which is a cool little add on. Great game this year by EA in my opinon.


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I have yet to purchase NHL 06 for PC due to it's release date here in Australia..

One question, what sticks and skates are the players using ? Have they been updated from 05 ?

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