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New Look Jerseys = New $$

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Since everyone has an opinion on the new look jerseys we've seen at Team Canada and Wings training camp so far, its time to step back and assess the developments. The NHL, RBK, and Nike are getting exactly what they want and need from a category that was dead in the water for years: jerseys! The new buzz that is on this forum about the jerseys is just the excitement that those three want to hear about translating into new sales at retail for new look jerseys. If only 1 out of every 2 or 3 fans like the new look jersey and puts down the $$ to buy it, then the new look jersey is new $$. This is marketing 101 at its most basic. Its ok to love them or leave them. That will always be part of the equation. The main deal is to generate some excitement and so far the jerseys have done that.

As far as Original Six teams, "Hey Jerry, show me the money!!" It doesn't matter if its Montreal, Toronto, or Detroit, put the potential for $$ out there and money talks. If you want to talk about tradition being untouchable, meet me on St. Catherine St. at the Forum and I'll show you how untouchable tradition is. Or we could stand across from the Fleet Center(or name of the day Center) and wonder exactly where the Gahden was. When Detroit rolls out a third jersey the Wings fans will buy it, young and old. This has already happened in Boston, Toronto, New York, and Chicago.

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Correct! Once you have a jersey, there is no reason to buy another one....except of course when a new design comes out, that spurs sales.

Exactly why I didn't order ANY old jerseys this season. Too risky getting stuck with them.

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Wait, you're saying that they changed the styles just to sell more merchandise? Amazing, I've never heard of sports teams and leagues doing that before. That's sheer genius. <_<

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Jerry Jones did this with the Dallas Cowboys 2 or 3 years running (for the exact reasons mentioned above). The NFL then put in a rule to prevent future abuses such as this.

BUT.... I thought the NHL was selling the new jersey style as a way to help prevent clutching/grabing (tighter sweaters means less to grab onto to impede).

However, it's likely all about the benjamins....

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hey darkstar...just wondering...where are you from??(because the way you talk about the forum...you seem to know well montreal..)

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Wait, you're saying that they changed the styles just to sell more merchandise? Amazing, I've never heard of sports teams and leagues doing that before. That's sheer genius. <_<

My point chippa is they are trying to revive a dead category at retail. I'm not a genius, yet, but people are talking and thats what matters. That will start the selling process- word of mouth. My other point is also pretty obvious- Original Six, Original Twelve, it doesn't matter about "tradition." If there is $ to be made, "dam the torpedoes, full speed ahead!!"

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hey darkstar...just wondering...where are you from??(because the way you talk about the forum...you seem to know well montreal..)

I'm from Jersey but I've been to Montreal alot since 1980. I have been to the Forum many times to see Les Habs. I have sat in the first row and the last row in the Forum. It was the best building in the NHL. I have been to Boston Garden, Maple Leaf Garden, Madison Square Garden and others. Moving out of the Forum was painful when I was watching my last game there ever. It just did not sit right with me. I also did the tour trip where they took you into the old Habs locker room. Patrick's stall was just inside the door. An amazingly small room but the history and heritage when you were in the room was overwhelming.


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Wait, you're saying that they changed the styles just to sell more merchandise?  Amazing, I've never heard of sports teams and leagues doing that before.  That's sheer genius.  <_<

My point chippa is they are trying to revive a dead category at retail. I'm not a genius, yet, but people are talking and thats what matters. That will start the selling process- word of mouth. My other point is also pretty obvious- Original Six, Original Twelve, it doesn't matter about "tradition." If there is $ to be made, "dam the torpedoes, full speed ahead!!"

This is nothing new. Every team in every league changes their uniforms every few years. What do you think the third jersey trend was all about? To sell more merchandise.

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EPL Soccer teams change their uniforms just about every year... kinda forcing the fans to keep current.

Sure, the Original 6 teams may go with the new jersey, but maybe just in their traditional colours and design. Fabric and fit don't necessarily change the tradition.

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Wait, you're saying that they changed the styles just to sell more merchandise?  Amazing, I've never heard of sports teams and leagues doing that before.  That's sheer genius.   <_<

My point chippa is they are trying to revive a dead category at retail. I'm not a genius, yet, but people are talking and thats what matters. That will start the selling process- word of mouth. My other point is also pretty obvious- Original Six, Original Twelve, it doesn't matter about "tradition." If there is $ to be made, "dam the torpedoes, full speed ahead!!"

This is nothing new. Every team in every league changes their uniforms every few years. What do you think the third jersey trend was all about? To sell more merchandise.

Sorry, didn't mean to offend anyone's intellect with this thread. I run a pro shop, so like Jimmy, I know that this a nowhere category at retail. Even when there is a new third jersey out, there is very little interest in buying the latest "new" look. I just think that to take the new look concept into practice jerseys is a refreshing idea whose time has come.

New look jerseys = new $ = marketing 101, its an idea as old as the hills.

I just find it interesting when everyone gets excited for the look or against the look. Just my two cents, chippa.

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Some teams still have a link to the past with their jerseys and history has always been important to the NHL. I would hate to see those few remaining teams go ultra-modern with the jerseys. I could easily see the NHL making huge changes chasing new fans that may never come and that would be a big mistake.

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Some teams still have a link to the past with their jerseys and history has always been important to the NHL. I would hate to see those few remaining teams go ultra-modern with the jerseys. I could easily see the NHL making huge changes chasing new fans that may never come and that would be a big mistake.


I wish the Original six would stick to their heritage with their jerseys. I wish the Bruins would go back to the early 70's jersey with the shoulder stripes or at least the late 70's when they still had that jersey pattern without the shoulder stripe. The Bruins current jersey is yuch. And their 3rd jersey is even worse. As for the NYR, I can't stand the "Liberty" jersey, white or navy. No stripes, it looks like a practice jersey. Trash it. Chicago's 3rd is ok because I think black works well with the Hawks. Black is already in their colors, a no-brainer. Toronto's retro look is perfect. Just get Bobby Baun on the blueline and Johnny Bower in nets and the Leafs are good to go. The Habs jersey- don't touch it or you will be shot. Detroit's jersey - see Habs, only this time Gordie Howe is on your ass.

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Some teams still have a link to the past with their jerseys and history has always been important to the NHL. I would hate to see those few remaining teams go ultra-modern with the jerseys. I could easily see the NHL making huge changes chasing new fans that may never come and that would be a big mistake.


I wish the Original six would stick to their heritage with their jerseys. I wish the Bruins would go back to the early 70's jersey with the shoulder stripes or at least the late 70's when they still had that jersey pattern without the shoulder stripe. The Bruins current jersey is yuch. And their 3rd jersey is even worse. As for the NYR, I can't stand the "Liberty" jersey, white or navy. No stripes, it looks like a practice jersey. Trash it. Chicago's 3rd is ok because I think black works well with the Hawks. Black is already in their colors, a no-brainer. Toronto's retro look is perfect. Just get Bobby Baun on the blueline and Johnny Bower in nets and the Leafs are good to go. The Habs jersey- don't touch it or you will be shot. Detroit's jersey - see Habs, only this time Gordie Howe is on your ass.

As a hawks fan, I despise the black jersey. That said, it was a no brainer for dollar bill wirtz. With any luck Peter will make a difference now that he's starting to exert some control.

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Since everyone has an opinion on the new look jerseys we've seen at Team Canada and Wings training camp so far, its time to step back and assess the developments. The NHL, RBK, and Nike are getting exactly what they want and need from a category that was dead in the water for years: jerseys! The new buzz that is on this forum about the jerseys is just the excitement that those three want to hear about translating into new sales at retail for new look jerseys. If only 1 out of every 2 or 3 fans like the new look jersey and puts down the $$ to buy it, then the new look jersey is new $$. This is marketing 101 at its most basic. Its ok to love them or leave them. That will always be part of the equation. The main deal is to generate some excitement and so far the jerseys have done that.

As far as Original Six teams, "Hey Jerry, show me the money!!" It doesn't matter if its Montreal, Toronto, or Detroit, put the potential for $$ out there and money talks. If you want to talk about tradition being untouchable, meet me on St. Catherine St. at the Forum and I'll show you how untouchable tradition is. Or we could stand across from the Fleet Center(or name of the day Center) and wonder exactly where the Gahden was. When Detroit rolls out a third jersey the Wings fans will buy it, young and old. This has already happened in Boston, Toronto, New York, and Chicago.

Do you have something against business men? The main fact is that they do it because they are able to...because people buy them. They may not like the fact that the jerseys are changing and will probably complain about it...but they will buy new ones. Its just being a smart business man to switch things up to make even more money for you. Yeh pro shops get stuck with old jerseys, I am the assistant manager of a shop...but we don't carry NHL jerseys for the reason that they change so often and most people only want "their" team, which usually is the same everyone else wants and they sell out. Plus they are a pain in the ass that take up more room than they are worth. I would rather stock the area with extra sets of goalie pads or gloves or skates...the items that sell because people actually need them. I agree with what you are saying and I think it's wrong, but its just business and all professional sports are money making machines and used as such by the people in charge.

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I would think the turn-over of players would make fans purchase just as many jerseys as a new uniform. The same people who are putting their Roberts Leafs jersyes in the closet, will be the ones to buy the new Lindros jerseys this year. I figure most consumers are like this, and buy on a player type of basis. I figure if they are more enthusiastic, they'll probably buy one a year anyways, and if they are less enthusiastic than they won't care about the tight fitting jerseys. Thats just the way I see it though. It will create more purchases, but not alot. Or at least thats how I see it playing out.

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I would think the turn-over of players would make fans purchase just as many jerseys as a new uniform. The same people who are putting their Roberts Leafs jersyes in the closet, will be the ones to buy the new Lindros jerseys this year. I figure most consumers are like this, and buy on a player type of basis. I figure if they are more enthusiastic, they'll probably buy one a year anyways, and if they are less enthusiastic than they won't care about the tight fitting jerseys. Thats just the way I see it though. It will create more purchases, but not alot. Or at least thats how I see it playing out.

True, but not many average folks can buy the jerseys with the names and number, those are about $170. Instead they buy the generic ones with the team colors. Much cheaper for the average Joe.

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Really? Around here you can barely find them without a name/number on it and the prices aren't that different. I'd say it's at least 10-1 players w/ numbers vs. blank jerseys.

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Really? Around here you can barely find them without a name/number on it and the prices aren't that different. I'd say it's at least 10-1 players w/ numbers vs. blank jerseys.

You must live in the "rich" area. :P

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The EPL teams would also be the ones whose jersey's main logo is their sponser or owner 's company with the teams logo tucked into the corner. I just can't see why any of the team's fan could stand that.

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