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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Vapor XXX Lite Stick

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HAHAHA GOTCHA! I love my Photoshop skills.

are you kidding or are you serious... that thing looks freakin real...

and what's up with the stick that looks just like that floating around at the Canada camp and stuff?

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I would say, that is if JR is being for real and didn't photoshp it, that the XXX Lite is in competition with the Synergy SL.. correct me if i'm wrong though..

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I would say, that is if JR is being for real and didn't photoshp it, that the XXX Lite is in competition with the Synergy SL.. correct me if i'm wrong though..

if that is the case does that mean it will be a price at around $219 CDN like the SL?

Also I'm convinced it's real... look at the stick rack carefully


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Does it appear to have the Tru-One weave on the blade to anyone else? I know the XXX has it, but its covered.

Also, if the XXX is a True OPS, does that mean the XXX Lite will be as well?

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I agree about the True1 weave on the XXX. I noticed that too. Also, JR's pic says Monocomp Technology, which means it is a true OPS like the XXX.

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I agree about the True1 weave on the XXX. I noticed that too. Also, JR's pic says Monocomp Technology, which means it is a true OPS like the XXX.

"monocomp technology" by itself means nothing. Easton has "unimold construction" on the stealth and that isn't a trrue OPS. It's marketing.

That said, it may very well be a true OPS. Just don't assume something because of the marketing buzz

words on it.

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I've seen and held the stick and it certainly was impressive. The stick weight is comparible to the Stealth/XN10 (in my mind) and I thought the balance was on par with some pro XN10's that I've come across that were probably the nicest all around 3 sticks I have ever found.

This stick (Bauer) has nothing to do with INNO/Warrior, even though the latter has told the former they plan to adhere to the terms of the original BNH/INNO OEM agreement.

Lastly, the grip on this stick was absolutely incredible! Stickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky!!!

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wow that looks really awesome! but its probably waaaaaaay over priced. if teh reguler XXX is like 170 how much will this be?

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