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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the smelly skate topic.

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yes, kind of like that hockey bag. . .

my friend has been using the same pair of skates for four years, without socks, and it's probably the smelliest pair of skates i've witnessed. i swear i could smell their presence from the next room, like 25 feet away! he then took out the footbeds and i nearly passed out, to which he said jokingly, " ha, it's awesome!"

mine *never* got to that point.

so, just for fun, how bad are *your* skates, post a picture, tell a story, etc.!


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I hate having to sharpen skates when they reek. For some reason some people think it's cool or funny when they have mold on the inside of their skates. I actually bought latex gloves for working on the worst skates. Nothing like having to reach inside to tighten up a Tuuk when the skates make you wretch.

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. Nothing like having to reach inside to tighten up a Tuuk when the skates make you wretch.

Only one thing worse, ... when the family cat has pissed on those skates! Yes, it happens more often than you may think.

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. Nothing like having to reach inside to tighten up a Tuuk when the skates make you wretch.

Only one thing worse, ... when the family cat has pissed on those skates! Yes, it happens more often than you may think.

I just stopped eating chips now, thanks ^_^

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I hate having to sharpen skates when they reek. For some reason some people think it's cool or funny when they have mold on the inside of their skates. I actually bought latex gloves for working on the worst skates. Nothing like having to reach inside to tighten up a Tuuk when the skates make you wretch.

Yeah, I have a lot of buddies who seem to be proud of that, and it doesn't make much sense :rolleyes: I try and hit em with some febreeze before I take them in, it's the least you can do :P

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Yea its really funny when you spend $400+ on skates, don't take the insoles out, leave them in your bag, and wonder why they smell like pure gasoline and last for 4 months. :rolleyes:

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I spray them after each skate with Funk Free; once straight inside and once with the nozzle in the heel pointing forward.

I couldn't notice any smell from arm's length, so I took whiff inside to see how well it's working. The skates are a year-and-a-half old, but there's just a tiny hint of muskiness.

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I take my skates out of my bag and take the insoles out and they still rank. When I put my hand in to take the insoles out the smell gets on my hand, and wont go away till I wash it like three times. Plus all the stitching on the inside of the boot is coming out all the sweat in it.

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graf 735s absorb a hell of alot of water. they are drenched after even a light practice, and the colouring from the inside of the skate (black in colour) dyes alot of my socks dark blue. kind of weird, so i have about 6 or 7 pairs of hockey socks that can be distinguished by the navy streaks.

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Best way to remove odors is to blow cool air into the skates. Then a bacteriacide like OT, Funk Free, etc to kill the bacteria. Simply laying them out with soles pulled out is not enough

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Ive heard when you put baking powder / baking soda into a skate and let in there overnight or 1 day and suck it out with a vaccuum-cleaner ALL the smell is gone and the skate smells like a flower meadow.

I hope the german baking soda has the same ingredients as the american, but it worked with the german one.

Could someone try it, when it works, it would be kinda revolutionary ^_^

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You could be on to something Sven! I remember watching a commercial ages ago for "Arm and Hammer" baking soda and they put the baking soda (comes in a small box) with the top opened and put it in the smelly refridgerator and after a while the smell was gone. As for putting it in skates .... I don't know ...maybe put a bit into a small paper tray in the skates.

hmmm how does it work... does the baking soda absorb the smell or does it spread the flowery smell?

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hers a solution....air out your skates a few hours upside down then them standing up...this should solve your problems :D

I think that was already covered and, JR mentioned to put them on their side.Plus that will not get the smell out.

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the smell comes from bacteria plain and simple... putting them on their side, upside down, standing up don't kill the bacteria... it's like cleaning your smelly clothes by just hanging them somewhere. they either need to be washed or treated with something.

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I skate with socks and they smell like a rose  ;)

There you go, clean skates- but this is a dirty sport, who's got pics of skates you don't want to get anywhere near?

But, yeah, there seem to be more than a few folks who are proud of their smelly equipment, I feel sorry for those skate sharpeners!

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