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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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si core just broke...

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tonight my si core broke...after 7 days use. its still under warranty. but ive never had a one pice before, so i have a few questions.

first, how long will it take for me to get my replacement...from the time i ship the broken one out till the time the new one comes in.

and second, since they dont make si cores anymore, do they just send me an st or an sl? I wouldnt want an sl or a stealth, i want something that will last. so if i ask for an st will they give me one? or can i ask for a synthesis, and maybe put in some more money?

furthermore...is it normal for top end sticks like this one to break after a week of use (granted, im playing competetivly every day...)??

thanks for any input

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is that normal to have to ship everything back when it breaks in the US or something? i've been told mission does it that way but i don't know about easton. up here if your stick breaks and it's still under warranty you just take it to where you got it from and they'll give you a new one on the spot. i guess you gets get the cheaper stuff and we get the better warranty... B)

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i live around vancouver...and i bought it at sportchek in august....they are completely sold out. and most fo you know what sportcheks selection is like...the one I work at only has lindstrom rh 100 flex left..and then some 100 flex st's. my flex is 85 and my curve is sakic...so i need to do this thru easton.

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is that normal to have to ship everything back when it breaks in the US or something? i've been told mission does it that way but i don't know about easton. up here if your stick breaks and it's still under warranty you just take it to where you got it from and they'll give you a new one on the spot. i guess you gets get the cheaper stuff and we get the better warranty... B)

Most of the manufacturers require the player to return the stick so they can determine whether the breakage was caused by a manufacturing defect.

When I first started this, I wanted to be more user friendly, so I said the player could swap out the stick at the retailer. However, after a couple of issues arose I quickly changed to the more traditional method.

We had another thread about this, but the problem might be tied up in players expectations due to the higher price of an OPS. There is no doubt that the player should expect they'll be able to take slapshots and make passes without the stick breaking. However, a stick could get caught in a door, or break in a collision or be broken over the boards. Those are obviously outside the control of the manufacturer, yet a player paid $180 and he wants more than two weeks out of the stick.

In the past, he'd talk to his friend who runs the shop, and his friend swaps out the stick for new one, even though the word was that Little Johnny broke the stick over the boards.

You can see how, over time, the manufacturers wanted more oversight over the program.

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The other scam I've heard is people who will get a receipt for a stick that is past the warranty from a buddy at a shop so they can send it in and the receipt says it is within the warranty.

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Yea chippa i heard of that one. Btw Coastal, you cant ask for an ST when you break a Si-Core or cant ask for a stealth because they just give you like one of the same sticks if its not discontinued. On another note, if you want a stick that lasts a while, Stealth may not be the option, just because its priced the highest doesnt mean its the best.

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He clearly understands that asnd that's why he stated he didn't want one. And that he doesn't want tot request everything you said. A simple 30 second read can prevent this type of thing. ;)

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Sorry for taking over the tread here but i didnt wanna start a new trwad...i broke my sl a while ago under warenty and i still have 2 days left my smart parents lost the recipt and visa wont have a recipt for 4 weeks soo im out of optons besides sending it with the store imformation or keeping it and using it for a shaft blade combo.. has anyone sent sticks to easton without a warrenty and got a replacment? thanks

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The other scam I've heard is people who will get a receipt for a stick that is past the warranty from a buddy at a shop so they can send it in and the receipt says it is within the warranty.

My cousin's mom, well then my aunt, would by a new stick/ shaft of the same kind after the one out of warranty broke and used the new reciept to get a replacement for the broken one.

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Sorry for taking over the tread here but i didnt wanna start a new trwad...i broke my sl a while ago under warenty and i still have 2 days left my smart parents lost the recipt and visa wont have a recipt for 4 weeks soo im out of optons besides sending it with the store imformation or keeping it and using it for a shaft blade combo.. has anyone sent sticks to easton without a warrenty and got a replacment? thanks

Take it back to the store and see what they can do. They may have it on file.

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Sorry for taking over the tread here but i didnt wanna start a new trwad...i broke my sl a while ago under warenty and i still have 2 days left my smart parents lost the recipt and visa wont have a recipt for 4 weeks soo im out of optons besides sending it with the store imformation or keeping it and using it for a shaft blade combo.. has anyone sent sticks to easton without a warrenty and got a replacment? thanks

Take it back to the store and see what they can do. They may have it on file.

If they use a computerized POS system it shouldn't be a problem to locate the sale.

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IIRC you can Access your VISA bill online so you could try printing that off and using that instead of a receipt.

As for the SiCore replacement deal, I can't see it being a problem to ask for an ST instead. ST's sell for less in store, so I can't see them having a problem with sending you a cheaper product. Same goes for the Synthesis, I could swear I read on the EMB about a few people getting Synthesis/Synthesis Grip's when they first started getting rid of Sicores.

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if they sent me a synthesis..it would just be the shaft right? and not any blades? the synthesises (?) usually sell for what..like 140-150 cnd? and my syn bomb was 130. so i cant see theyd want to send one of those. but this must have happened to more than just a couple people, i mean we sold tons of those sticks

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coastal, i reccently called easton regarding a replacement for my si core grip. i paid 150+ tax for it, and I was told it was likely to be an ST grip in return because i got it on sale. they will replace you stick with another one according to how much you paid for it in the first place. and also you need to send it to montreal, thats eastons hq in canada.

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