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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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custom gretzky missions?

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I like how the guy is trying to pass off him wearing them as gretzky's use. Gretzky had a crazy radius on his skates and those just look like the average radius

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alot of pros get companies to make skates for them, ive seen custom grafs for mario lemieux and peter forsberg. before the start of the season alot of pros ask each company there interested in to make 2 pairs for them so they can see if they like them

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alot of pros get companies to make skates for them, ive seen custom grafs for mario lemieux and peter forsberg. before the start of the season alot of pros ask each company there interested in to make 2 pairs for them so they can see if they like them

True, I would do that too. :D

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Since Gretz is a co-owner of Hespeller, I would IMAGINE that he might use Hespeller skates.

But, I too have heard of that practice "Hey, how about trying out these?"

There's a Modano CCM Vector 110 for sale at one of the local shops, for instance. CCM sent him some freebies toot-suite when Mo was claiming the new Synnergy sticks didn't seem as light or as durable (and when his contract was about to expire). It IS Modano's stick and real pattern, but he just used one or two of the few they sent to check out. He was still (at the time) an Easton man.

Could be the same thing with the skates.

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it looks pretty real to me. The outside heel has his name embossed on it which is not easy to do. His name is also printed on the inside, a few of the pro Mission Pure Fly's I have seen also are done the same way.

Looks like it was issued to him, Gretzky probably had one skate with them and that was the end of it.

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They are real...We made numerous pairs for him after he had stopped playing...He just liked the concept of supple-fit and wanted to skate them...That's it...

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They are real...We made numerous pairs for him after he had stopped playing...He just liked the concept of supple-fit and wanted to skate them...That's it...

speaking of the Pure Fly, I guess they still make it for the pro's ?

I was watching the Leaf game and I noticed that Alexander Khanov was wearing Mission Pure Fly's

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Since Gretz is a co-owner of Hespeller, I would IMAGINE that he might use Hespeller skates.

But, I too have heard of that practice "Hey, how about trying out these?"

There's a Modano CCM Vector 110 for sale at one of the local shops, for instance. CCM sent him some freebies toot-suite when Mo was claiming the new Synnergy sticks didn't seem as light or as durable (and when his contract was about to expire). It IS Modano's stick and real pattern, but he just used one or two of the few they sent to check out. He was still (at the time) an Easton man.

Could be the same thing with the skates.

Ogie - Modano was not under contract with Easton, and Gretz is not involved with Hespeler - hasn't been for a long time.

I remember Justin telling me when Gretz got those PFs. Gretz is all TPS now...LOL

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