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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sl grip unwanted grip.

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if you candy cane it , it might take some grip away , and also i think its talcum powder that will either take it away or take it off but im pretty sure it takes it away , so if anyone else knows about that , they can correct me

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I have a stick that is very grippy so I ended up doing a double candy cane, just to cover most of the grip.

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Do you keep the talcum powder on there and just keep applying it as you play? Or do you put it on, rub it around a bit, then wipe it off and the grip is gone?

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it comes off over time most cases if you dont mind waiting

From what seems to be happening on here, he'll be lucky if the stick lasts long enough for the grip to peel off :lol:

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Yeah exactly, haha. You should get a free stick if your stick lasts long enough for the grip to wear off. Like a special promo or something. Kind of like retirement packages....reach a certain age get a nice money deal..in this case, have a stick last 6 weeks and get a free one.

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so if i do any of these things..like baby powder..to a stick that is ALREADY NOT GRIPPY ..then would my stick turn out being.....like "slippery"..just a thought ill try with an old ultra light to see what happens.

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so if i do any of these things..like baby powder..to a stick that is ALREADY NOT GRIPPY ..then would my stick turn out being.....like "slippery"..just a thought ill try with an old ultra light to see what happens.

I´m pretty sure it would have no effect at all since it can not "soak" into the material.

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Yeah exactly, haha. You should get a free stick if your stick lasts long enough for the grip to wear off. Like a special promo or something. Kind of like retirement packages....reach a certain age get a nice money deal..in this case, have a stick last 6 weeks and get a free one.

My SL broke 2 days ago, lasted me a solid 5 1/2 months. Amazing what happens when you don't take slappers :D

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This is very true. I'm not much of a slapper man myself. My old Synergy (silver one) lasted me over a year! My new SL Grip, althought I don't really use it too much, has lasted me 5 months now.

Sometimes I think most of the breaks are due to improper shooting techniques. Believe it or not, there is a such thing as proper form. Some people really just don't know how to shoot and wind up breaking sticks. Then they look around like "What the heck just happened?" I'll tell you what happened. You dug the stick into the surface a good solid amount before you even touched the puck! Did you think you were shooting the surface and not a puck?

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