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Ribeiro's new skates

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Those skates look like the new KOR hockey skates my friends. KORS where developed by Joel Otto and two ex- Edmonton Oilers and are brand new on the market. Their concept is similar to the Easton Snergy skate but these puppies are heat mouldable and an integrated carbon composite outsole and quarter package. If you want to see them go to E=Bay and under sports equipment search for KOR hockey skates. I think these are going to sell because their a really good concept idea in skate technology.

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Those skates are the new KOR hockey skates my friends. They where developed by Joel Otto and two ex- Edmonton Oilers and are brand new on the market. Their concept is similar to the Easton Snergy skate but these puppies are heat mouldable and an integrated carbon composite outsole and quarter package. If you want to see them go to E=Bay and under sports equipment search for KOR hockey skates. I think these are going to sell because their a really good concept idea in skate technology.

We all know about the Kor skates. They've been discussed quite a bit, but I know it is difficult to search for the threads because kor is only 3 letters. Here are some I dug up.

another Kor thread

and another Kor thread

even another Kor thread

yet another Kor thread

edit: Also, those skates Ribeiro is wearing don't look like any Kors I've ever seen, and Justin already told us they're new Missions.

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Those skates are the new KOR hockey skates my friends. They where developed by Joel Otto and two ex- Edmonton Oilers and are brand new on the market. Their concept is similar to the Easton Snergy skate but these puppies are heat mouldable and an integrated carbon composite outsole and quarter package. If you want to see them go to E=Bay and under sports equipment search for KOR hockey skates. I think these are going to sell because their a really good concept idea in skate technology.

Duch - I think we've got a pretty good handle on things over here. ;)

Those are the new Mission Fuels.

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To Zingbergeur and J.R. Boucicaud;

Get a handle on those egos boys. The guys asked for an opinion on the skates and I gave you one. Don't chastise me for giving it a shot.

The skates do look like the new KOR skate. The reasons I said this are:

1) The triangular logo on the side above the ankle area.

2) The shield logo on the back of the tendon protector.

3) The light silvery covering on the outside skin of the skate.

4) KOR uses the Mission Pitch Holder on the newest models as an upgrade.

So you see I was using reasonable deduction for my opinion and not just trying to be a hero in any way. I can't see the back of the skate well to see if it says if the skate has a Carbon Unibase on it because that would probably be the determining factor. B)

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Anyone have any sites available on the new Mission Fuels or the newest Mission skates so we can know for sure ? If their still in R&D we probably won't be able to get the info very easily until more pro players start to try them out. :unsure:

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Anyone have any sites available on the new Mission Fuels or the newest Mission skates  so we can know for sure ?  If their still in R&D we probably won't be able to get the info very easily until more pro players start to try them out.  :unsure:

Justin, the product manager at Mission, is more than enough verification, dude. He said so on the first page.

EDIT: hockeychamp beat me to it.

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Thanks Del 18, I didn't notice his title under his name. Eyes aren't as good as they used to be. Their nice looking skates. Hope to get a look at them soon at my LHS. :unsure:

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No problem, just keep an eye out next time, you'd be amazed how many people who actually work for hockey companies come here with their input, plans, info, etc. B)

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4) KOR uses the Mission Pitch Holder on the newest models as an upgrade.

It's not an upgrade, it comes stock on the shift 1's.

I really didn't think it looked much like the shift 1, then again I get to see them every day.

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Anyone have any sites available on the new Mission Fuels or the newest Mission skates so we can know for sure ? If their still in R&D we probably won't be able to get the info very easily until more pro players start to try them out. :huh:

Duch -

Welcome to MSH. We have R&D guys from pretty much every manufacturer on here. We get the scoop here pretty quick. We are the site that gets word out before anyone else.

I'm getting a pair soon actually.

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Anyone have any sites available on the new Mission Fuels or the newest Mission skates  so we can know for sure ?  If their still in R&D we probably won't be able to get the info very easily until more pro players start to try them out.  :huh:

Duch -

Welcome to MSH. We have R&D guys from pretty much every manufacturer on here. We get the scoop here pretty quick. We are the site that gets word out before anyone else.

I'm getting a pair soon actually.

Pair soon for demo? or actually for you to use?

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Wow, did you get them THAT late? Nuts.

About a week and a half before actually, the L3s didn't show until August. That's minor compared to the list of other problems though.

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