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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S500 Question

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I discovered the same issue on my S500's and called in to customer service. They told me to take them back to the store I got them at, and then have them call in, which I did. Bless their hearts, I got an RA number, but my problem is this...I have no other skates, and games Tuesdays and Wednesday nights. Anybody know turnaround time, assuming overnight courier?

Edited to add: The customer service experience was fantastic, I'm extremely impressed, both with Mission's products and their support. The industry as a whole needs a ton more of that!

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Does anyone know about if they would replace or fix skates bought in july of 2004 i bought them with money i had saved up for a year and only got a year and a bit out of them as i'll have to replace them soon because of the tendon guard.

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Sorry for bringing up that old topic ..

On my (2004 model) S500s one tendon guard starts ripping, too.

Would the skates hold up with this small tear or should i take them to a shoe repair shop? Will they just sew that area (do they sew through the entire boot into the liner?)? or is it better to add some material to the ripped area?

Could someone post a pic of a repaired tendon guard?

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Sorry for bringing up that old topic ..

On my (2004 model) S500s one tendon guard starts ripping, too.

Would the skates hold up with this small tear or should i take them to a shoe repair shop? Will they just sew that area (do they sew through the entire boot into the liner?)? or is it better to add some material to the ripped area?

Could someone post a pic of a repaired tendon guard?

I posted apic of the repair on my S500s in one of the discussions. I would suggest having it fixed right away as it's easier to fix when it's just a small rip.

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I got the same problem with my new S300s. Do I contact the store where I bought them from or Mission directly?

For warranties call Mission and talk to their customer service.

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Same thing with my s400's I would have sent them back but I don't have a back up pair and didn't want to miss any games. So I did what chad did and took them to a shoe repair place. He actually put the patches on the inside of the skate and stitched them up 3 days 15 bucks.. and my "skiis" were ready to go. I've played a couple games a couple practices and a pick up and they're holding up well.

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Do you think this is a result of baking the skate? Heating the skate may make some of the matterials more brittle than others leading to cracking. I know Mission makes their skates for baking, but maybe this is one part of the skate that cannot take the heat.

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Therefore no longer an issue with 2005 model year skates? Only asking because I have a pair of L5's, but have not baked them yet.

L5s have a different tendon guard.

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I'm so glad you guys let me know about the tendon guard issue. Found a pair of S=500's at a good price a few days back and I'm not getting them now. I don't need the quality issues with them. Might get a pair of Reebok 7K's or Pro Tacks instead.

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We had the problem with 2005 S400s, we didn't stock the 500s. The last pair of S500s I got for myself in Early December have been fine.

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