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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey guys, you have been very helpful to me before and i am back for more.

I am looking to buy a new stick with some bday money and i am wondering what you think in terms of balance and feel, what is better between the two

I am looking at the vapor XX the xn10 or the hex 1

just let me know what you think about all of them

thanks guys

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Vapor XX...is a great OVERALL stick..

XN10...would be more of a kind of PERFORMANCE STICK...

HEX1...i have no real clue about it...always liked Mission shaft but never been a fan of mission blade...


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if you can get an XN10 in a curve you want take it. Side by side, the XN10 is like a gun compared to the XX. Although the XX doesn't slack in the stiff blade. I've used both and I like the XN10 a lot more :D

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i got a hex 1, hate the blade, chipped like crazy way to fast compared to other ops ive had. I also have been looking at XX and The Xn10 and a major part of it is the grip or no grip. the XX seems to have a little grip..not alot..but yet some. that is why ive leaned towards the xn10....the money is a little factor too...the hex 1 will be like $40 more than the xx...and i dont suggest the hex1....

hope this helped.

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I have tried pretty much every 1 piece out there and the HEX-1 is the best I've used. Hands down. SHot and feel just incredible. It is wild how the shaft feels stiff but really releases or kicks when you take a shot. But no whip or weak feeling when stickhandling and passing.

Next best one piece was a tie between the SYnergy SL and the Vector 110(the first one). Any othe 3 will give you all you need but if you only choose 1, I'd go with the HEX-1

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Hey guys, you have been very helpful to me before and i am back for more.

I am looking to buy a new stick with some bday money and i am wondering what  you think in terms of balance and feel, what is better between the two

I am looking at the vapor XX the xn10 or the hex 1

just let me know what you think about all of them

thanks guys

Vapor XX is a decent stick, ok all the way around but it doesn't really do anything all that well for me. I've tried 3 of them and all had very different feel. Shot velocity was ok, but not fantastic. Durability was not very good on the ones I tried. Steve broke all of them in 4 games or less.

XN10, by far the best performing shaft I've used but I don't like the new blades very much. The blades just don't seem to hold up very well for me or the people I know who use them. The puck feel on them is also not great, in the same ballpark as the XX.

Hex-1, best puck feel of the group by a wide margin. I've only used it twice but the velocity seems decent.

I would go with the R2XN10 and replacement blades. Since everyone likes different things in blades, you can get whatever feel you like while having the best performing shaft.

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if u want a "perfect stick" buy the new montreal nitro 9500 or the older 8500..both are GREAT sticks !

my 9500 is way better than my XXX !!!

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Between the three you mentioned, the XN-10 is probably the best balanced stick, although the feel isn't the greatest. I haven't used the Hex-1 or the XX. If I had to pick one though, I'd go with the Xn-10.

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I have to say that the new Salming sticks are really, really good.

I've tried the XX, out of all the Eastons- my fave is the si-core.

now I am on to the Salming TF1 and am really liking it.

theSalming Web Site has some cool animation that shows the flex patterns of each of their sticks...



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Depends on the pattern you´re looking at. I used a XX in Naslund pattern and to me it felt too blade heavy. When I was at my LHS I picked up an XX in a Hossa pattern and that one again felt much better balanced. Maybe because of the thinner and smaller blade compared to the Naslund. But maybe that was just me ;) Anyhow I´d say go for the XN10 if you got the money. In regards to balance and shooting it´s probably the best OPS I ever had. Maybe the Stealth tops it shooting wise but just maybe. As well as that the R2 XN10 shaft is also pretty nice. If you can get it cheap and add some Inno blades you will love it. I currently used this combo over the Stealth, XXX, V130 and all the other top of the line stuff I have laying around.

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