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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MIA glove

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I am in the market of new gloves and i really liked my XX but they are now shoot because i received a nice blade cut ober my top HAND SO THEY REALLY DECAPITATED.So while looking for some glove i saw the MIA glove and i could get them customised for about the same price of the XX and the shop is near me in montreal.

What i want to know who has some and can compare them?Like the fit,the lightness and the overall fit.The only thi9ng i heard is there are close toe agles but i never tried a eagle (i know its sound funny)



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They are also the exact same as Flite gloves I was told. I tried a Flite briefly and it is comparable to the older CCM Tack gloves. The precessors (spelling?) of the 652 or so? Don´t remember the numbering. The Flite´s are pretty traditional gloves. Not that thight fitting and they felt "bulky" or "stiff" to me plus they will surely need quite some break in I guess. That´s why I decided against them. The thumb I´d say was most similar to a TPS HG NHL glove. I have not tried Eagles yet but compared to Bauers, Nikes, TPS´s and Easton I´d say the TPS thumb comes closest.

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They are also the exact same as Flite gloves I was told. I tried a Flite briefly and it is comparable to the older CCM Tack gloves. The precessors (spelling?) of the 652 or so? Don´t remember the numbering. The Flite´s are pretty traditional gloves. Not that thight fitting and they felt "bulky" or "stiff" to me plus they will surely need quite some break in I guess. That´s why I decided against them. The thumb I´d say was most similar to a TPS HG NHL glove. I have not tried Eagles yet but compared to Bauers, Nikes, TPS´s and Easton I´d say the TPS thumb comes closest.

The flite's a year or two ago were less than impressive.

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They are also the exact same as Flite gloves I was told. I tried a Flite briefly and it is comparable to the older CCM Tack gloves. The precessors (spelling?) of the 652 or so? Don´t remember the numbering. The Flite´s are pretty traditional gloves. Not that thight fitting and they felt "bulky" or "stiff" to me plus they will surely need quite some break in I guess. That´s why I decided against them. The thumb I´d say was most similar to a TPS HG NHL glove. I have not tried Eagles yet but compared to Bauers, Nikes, TPS´s and Easton I´d say the TPS thumb comes closest.

The flite's a year or two ago were less than impressive.

Don´t know. The one I tried was the 3300. I just checked out the MIA and Flite websites and those definately look one and the same. I´d say stay away from the MIA glove if you can get XX´s for the same price. Your name sewn on the cuff and custom colors don´t make up for it.

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I was going to ask the question before Jackel answer it...but just whant to make sure!!

Where is the store located??...do they have a store or it just a office and you can't see their stuff...

By the way, I have XX...and custom is cool...really cool...make you look more ''professional'' on ice with your name on... but i thought glove was really not important...(i was always using canadian tire glove) Since,... i had a deal for a pair of XX... i can say now they are the best glove i never used...

and glove can make a difference...if XX feel good for you..STICK WITH THEM...and their new color 2005 are pretty cool too!

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when it comes to mits, i say protect the puppies as much as you can. id drop 200$ for gloves if they protected me from alot. never ever use a pair of canadian tire gloves cobraa, not worth it in the end.

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They are almost an exact replica of eagle gloves they aren't really similar to anything else.

I really disagree, it's way different. We had a pair in the shop...one of the most mobile gloves i've ever tried on...though 170-180 is a hell of a lot to drop on a glove, especially without plastic inserts and such.

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