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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sweet Spot on a blade

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What type of blade encourages a bigger sweet spot? Heel/Mid/Toes curve?

Or is it how open the face of the blade is that determins the sweet spot?

After last nights shooting I need all the help I can get!!!!!

I've played with Lidstrom/P106/Tucker curves for the last few years. Played with a Coffey mid curve before that... wondering whether I should change or not.

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I wonder if anyone makes a 2 foot long blade???

In fairness wasnt playing with a Lid last night so reckon it's back to that then, I have always found they are awesome for shooting.

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i would say the older messier pattern...Slight mid curve Closed face...the sweet spot...well the sweet spot was all the blade long lol...

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Get a cheap wood blade and cut it to the size of a Junior blade,lengthwise.

I have 2 Pro Stock Khavanov XN10s, the blade is as small as a Junior Blade,but my shots are more accurate and better than using a longer blade like a drury

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I've always found that Lidstroms had the biggest "Sweet spot".

Yeah, it's pretty big on the Lidstrom. Easy to get off a good slapshot from most parts of the blade.

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