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Protective pants

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I've worn out a pair of M-1's and am having touble with hip pointers. Any suggestions on some real sturdy pants? Does not need to be just list of the latest & greatest, just let me know what worked for you.

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I highly recommend you try on a pair of RBK 8K's. I love mine and feel quite well protected. The adjustable thigh pads make it easy to get dressed if you like to put your pants on first.

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The Vapor 10s are solid if you can still find them anywhere. If not, then any high-end Tackla is pretty much a guarantee. They're pretty expensive though.

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What ever pant you get make sure you try one on with an inner belt system. Inner belt systems rock. We have had a great response with the 8k.. We already had to reorder.

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tried some before the final decision, and between bauer8000, jofa7500, ccm892, mission m1 and rbk 8k, i finally choose ccm892. rbk were really nice pants, but can't stand the girdle-like construction... the others were symply uncomfortable enough fo me. but in any case, my 892 are really protective. and without spending too much money (read tackla...). :D

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i finally choose ccm892. ... but in any case, my 892 are really protective.

I recently got the CCM 892 LE (slightly different drawstring than the regular 892), and love them. Probably slightly heavier than some of the "light" pants discussed, but very protective all the way around.

I also like the CCM velcro setup on the inner leg zippers, where you can completely "hide" the enclosure flap inside the seam when leaving the zippers open.

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tacklas are the most expensive, whats so good about them they look pretty plain?

Some people don't care about how their pant looks. They are very mobile considering the amount of protection.

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The only complaints I've heard on our Protector Lite have come from some rec league players who say they like less padding, so I think you'd be adequately protected.

I have to agree with Jason, the Salmings have a LOT of padding. If you play rough hockey, they would be a good choice.

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I really like the new CCM 892LE's, or just the whole new line altogether. I wasn't a big fan of the redesigned CCM's of the last couple of years.

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I really like the new CCM 892LE's, or just the whole new line altogether. I wasn't a big fan of the redesigned CCM's of the last couple of years.

I agree, at early season the RBK's were the big seller but i have to say lately, the 692 an up are really catching on. For me at our location it's the 5k and 692 leading the pack. Some love the 6k and 8k mini girdle, others don't. It's all PP. Other than a few Mission's, I just haven't been selling the other brands, and I have them all in stock, Bauer, Sherwood, Tackla, etc. Kudo's to THC for a really good line up of pant's this year.

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I concur on any high end Tacklas. For great protection but not quite as good a fit go with a high end Easton pant. The Snergy 900 or 700 are excellent light and protective and comparible to the old Z-Airs or Airs but with a slightly better fit. :D

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I really like the new CCM 892LE's, or just the whole new line altogether. I wasn't a big fan of the redesigned CCM's of the last couple of years.

CCM made major improvements to their pants this year. They really impressed me at the show with the improvements to the skates and pants.

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Have a look at Sher-wood. I've had a set of 9950's for quite some time and have been very pleased with them. They are thick. That and they will not break the bank.

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i finally choose ccm892. ... but in any case, my 892 are really protective.

I recently got the CCM 892 LE (slightly different drawstring than the regular 892), and love them. Probably slightly heavier than some of the "light" pants discussed, but very protective all the way around.

I also like the CCM velcro setup on the inner leg zippers, where you can completely "hide" the enclosure flap inside the seam when leaving the zippers open.

btw, even mine are 892 LE and not regular 892. double belt etc etc...

didn't mentioned that in previous post.... :P

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what does the LE featuer?

simply the SMU series made for the THG group. you can see the differences between the LE and standard series at hockeymonkey.

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what does the LE featuer?

simply the SMU series made for the THG group. you can see the differences between the LE and standard series at hockeymonkey.

I got my 892LE from my LHS. Is it normal that LHS carry SMU like that?

The features over the regular 892 are the Protacks drawstring, the Protacks double belt, and maybe slightly different "abrasion" panel.

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