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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flyers draft pick

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wasn't clark the guy who two handed the big star in the russian team at the summit series and broke his leg? looks like he likes guys who does cheap shots.

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wasn't clark the guy who two handed the big star in the russian team at the summit series and broke his leg? looks like he likes guys who does cheap shots.


I heard about this, and wow...amazing.

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hmmm they fought twice and he ends up getting him in the mouth.

I'm guessing he felt pretty bitchy after a 16 year old hung with a precious first round draft pick.

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wasn't clark the guy who two handed the big star in the russian team at the summit series and broke his leg?  looks like he likes guys who does cheap shots.


I heard about this, and wow...amazing.

ya i remember seeing a show on that subject and there were people saying that if clark didn't take the big star out the russians would of won the series.

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