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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gloves Crusty

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Chadd's right -- Funk Free works great for this. The crustiness is caused by the buildup of salt from your sweat, which Funk Free breaks down.

This is sort of a digression but it might help people to visualize it. My buddy has been bicycling often the past two summers and his helmet started developing a white residue of sweat inside. I gave him a bottle of Funk Free when I visited him and his status report was, "white residue and smell gone."

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Chadd's right -- Funk Free works great for this. The crustiness is caused by the buildup of salt from your sweat, which Funk Free breaks down.

This is sort of a digression but it might help people to visualize it. My buddy has been bicycling often the past two summers and his helmet started developing a white residue of sweat inside. I gave him a bottle of Funk Free when I visited him and his status report was, "white residue and smell gone."

so would that mean you could also get out salt lines in hats and t-shirts and whatever else with it?

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Chadd's right -- Funk Free works great for this. The crustiness is caused by the buildup of salt from your sweat, which Funk Free breaks down.

This is sort of a digression but it might help people to visualize it. My buddy has been bicycling often the past two summers and his helmet started developing a white residue of sweat inside. I gave him a bottle of Funk Free when I visited him and his status report was, "white residue and smell gone."

so would that mean you could also get out salt lines in hats and t-shirts and whatever else with it?

That's a great question, but I don't know because I haven't tried it for that purpose. My guess, however, is that it probably would work on salt lines on hats, although I don't know if it would make them disappear completely.

There is no doubt it breaks down salt. Last year, a kid on my team was complaining about his gloves being stiff, so I threw him the bottle and told him goalies who have used it on their catchers swear by it.

He sprayed his gloves, then immediately said, "Wow, this stuff really works!"

"It doesn't work that fast! <_< "

"No, I'm serious, it really works!"

He was probably too enthusiastic, but it definitely breaks down the salt.

You're a Boston boy, right? In that case, you'll understand this when I say we need to ask Trot for a test sample..... ;)

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Chadd's right -- Funk Free works great for this. The crustiness is caused by the buildup of salt from your sweat, which Funk Free breaks down.

This is sort of a digression but it might help people to visualize it. My buddy has been bicycling often the past two summers and his helmet started developing a white residue of sweat inside. I gave him a bottle of Funk Free when I visited him and his status report was, "white residue and smell gone."

Where can I get some Funk Free?

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