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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Kovalev Stick?

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Yeah, in my opinion Kovalev is the most talented player in the NHL. Every game he plays he pulls out jaw-dropping dekes. He also has a laser hard shot.

Also has the coolest skates ever ;)

I'll post the pics of my brother's skates when he will have them. Will look just like Kovalev skates.

Cool, can't wait to see them. How or where rather is he getting them done like that?

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how does the puck go the other way if it never touches the backhand?

The puck doesnt really go that much to either side, it just stays in centered. its hard to explain without actually seeing it. He'll hit it on his backhand every few times

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how does the puck go the other way if it never touches the backhand?

The puck doesnt really go that much to either side, it just stays in centered. its hard to explain without actually seeing it. He'll hit it on his backhand every few times

Actually, this is how I stickhandle too. I think he's the only one to stickhandle like that in the NHL.

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I saw im 2 days ago (kovy) i had a job interview at the bell center and he was wearing RBK gloves,so maybe he is trying or breaking them.

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by the way... canadiens was praticing at my Local hockey ring..and me and my friend sawy kovy pratcing lobing the puck

he was the only one to do this...he did for a long time...

he was in one corner(on the red line of the net post) and was lobing the puck on the net...(yes he was shooting the puck very high so that the puck hit the top of the net(where goalie put ther water bottle!)

pretty weird like drill!

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Do you think Kovalev was this happy to get his new Warrior stick....



Warrior has the exact same ads for its titanium lacrosse shafts, i hope they dont go down the road of pimp all my hockey gear and chill with chicks at the beach like they did with lacrosse

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In the marketing.If i can get in i would have a step inside info stuff :P.So MSH would be up to date in habs and nhl stuff :P.


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by the way... canadiens was praticing at my Local hockey ring..and me and my friend sawy kovy pratcing lobing the puck

he was the only one to do this...he did for a long time...

he was in one corner(on the red line of the net post) and was lobing the puck on the net...(yes he was shooting the puck very high so that the puck hit the top of the net(where goalie put ther water bottle!)

pretty weird like drill!

where is you local rink? Any other date for their practice.

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by the way... canadiens was praticing at my Local hockey ring..and me and my friend sawy kovy pratcing lobing the puck

he was the only one to do this...he did for a long time...

he was in one corner(on the red line of the net post) and was lobing the puck on the net...(yes he was shooting the puck very high so that the puck hit the top of the net(where goalie put ther water bottle!)

pretty weird like drill!

Thats pretty cool.

Last year my AAA team played/practiced at The Wolfpack's(AHL) practice rink.

After the practices the trashcans would always be filled with broken synergys and stuff.

I only got like 6 shafts out of it,but the kids on my team literally beat the crap out of eachother to get the broken sticks.At the end of the year this one kid had like 30 broken sticks and ended up making actual sticks(Like a vector/Synergy grip OPS).

None the Less,watching pro teams practice is really cool.

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by the way... canadiens was praticing at my Local hockey ring..and me and my friend sawy kovy pratcing lobing the puck

he was the only one to do this...he did for a long time...

he was in one corner(on the red line of the net post) and was lobing the puck on the net...(yes he was shooting the puck very high so that the puck hit the top of the net(where goalie put ther water bottle!)

pretty weird like drill!

Not that weird our team does that a lot... we'll put a pylon on the net upside down and see who can get a puck in it first from behind the hash marks. It teaches you to cup the puck and have control at slow speeds.

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The puck doesnt really go that much to either side, it just stays in centered. its hard to explain without actually seeing it. He'll hit it on his backhand every few times

I know this is a really old thread but can you explain how this is done? Do you have a vid or anything?

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