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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest Stax7

Field Hockey

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I used to help coach a girls team back in the day, did it for the girls...but it got me a sick toe pull since you couldn't use the backhand.

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Guest LEAFS12

ya it hard shooting if you are a lefty, cuase they only have righty sticks. I am lucky that i am a righty.

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I used to help coach a girls team back in the day, did it for the girls...but it got me a sick toe pull since you couldn't use the backhand.

that's the only good thing about it, i find it to be a pretty crappy sport.

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Guest phillyfan

There was a news story awhile ago where a school refused to allow a boy to play the sport. Opinions were mixed, but in the end, she ended up playing. I HAD to play it for P.E. before, hated it. Hurt my back from bending over because the sticks were too short. I'd rather play soccer than field hockey, and soccer is one of the worst sports in my opinion when it comes to pansies. But, watching the sport is a different story. My HS, Eastern Regional, the girls field hockey team recently reached a national record last season with some insane unbeaten record, and winning the championship like 5 years straight or something.

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My sister played, I was under the impression it's girls only.

The school next door has practice every day around 4, don't expect me to be online around that time.

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My sister played, I was under the impression it's girls only.

The school next door has practice every day around 4, don't expect me to be online around that time.

Arnt you like 25 :huh: , poor little girls. :P

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lol the local HS girls teams run by my house for practice daily, so what that I'm 21, I can look ;D

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My girls field hockey team won the state championship this year, so as a joke in fall our hockey team scrimmaged them. I don't know if they weren't trying or what, because they only beat us 4-2, maybe because we all had hockey skill, some kids were sick at field hockey somehow. Also, we had the skinniest kid on our team playing goalie with no pads, and that HURTS when you get hit with a hard shot and a field hockey ball.

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My sister played, I was under the impression it's girls only.

The school next door has practice every day around 4, don't expect me to be online around that time.

dude, welts aren't sexy you know. Beside, their dress make them look like scots :huh:

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I heard men only play it in Europe, but around here every school has a girl's field hockey team.

that may be Hurley your thinking of that alot of Men play in Europe. I think it's much more popular over there than here.

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Actually the local girls practice in shorts and tank tops, the skirts must be saved for games.

In some countries men do play field hockey. I'm pretty sure it's a men's olympic sport.

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"The Thing I love about High School Girls, I Keep Getting older, while they stay the same age"

Amazing movie.

And Ljack, it is an olympic sport, I actually don't recall seeing it recently, but i remember when i was younger i told my mom i wanted to play it after seeing it on the olympics, but she said it's only in like europe and other countries that men play it.

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Considering its a girls sport, I haven't played it. Considering girls run around with goggles I wouldn't play it. But considering that they run around in skirts is a horse of different color. Now that's alot to take into consideration.

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Guest Datsyuk*13

Yah i played for 2 years. I played mostly defense but i played goal and forward as well. It was fun other than all the whistles. The coach was a reall B***H so i quit because we had so many players you hardly played at all in a game.

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