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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fedorov's shoulder pads

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Anyone know what exact model of shoulder pads Feds has here? I googled and came up empty. I know it's an Itech Techlite, but I am looking for the year and model number...


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He looks like a typical vodka swiggin, ciggarette smokin, 30somthing Ruskie to me! Lol. I think once the whole Anna things settled, he aged like 10 years.

Yeah those are def. stripped down pads. Some pros will even mix and match, that is, have an old pair of shoulder pads, and slap on new shoulder cups from a newer pair of pads. Just tough to part with the old gear I guess. I've seen Shanny's, my god, I don't think his pads are good for anything but collecting sweat. I'd hate to get hit with anything on the ice...even a thrown cup of soda onto the ice looks like it would hurt in his gear.

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good eye, rip out the collar and the upper shoulder pad and it looks pretty much the same.

I wonder if he put on different lower shoulder caps...or maybe it has the Itech logo (again) under the upper shoulder caps.

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Whatever the mix it looks like pretty decent body armour. I think you might be right about the arm pieces being off some Jofas. :) :)

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Its usually a waste of time trying to figure out what he is using. Even the equipment managers have no clue and don't care as long as he is happy.

Guts of 1st run Itech SP1055 from 4 years ago with lots of modification.

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NHL equiment guys have to do ALOT of mods to keep some players happy. i can only imange the amonut of repairs they do and the duct tape they go through.

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