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Bauer Vapor XX Pro Shaft

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I've seen a XX Pro Shaft for sale on several German and Swedish hockey-sites, but never heard of it, nor been able to find it on Bauer's own site...

Has anybody ever seen this, or happen to know if it's a Taper or Standard shaft?

Looks like a Taper on the photo, but there's no info on it, and if it's standard what's the difference between it and the X shaft? (And if Taper, XV)

Vapor XX Pro Shaft


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Hmm, that's a good find. Kinda answers some questions about what some of the pros are using. IE Simon Gagne and Ryan Smythe, although I think it's been said Moolay's been using a aluminum made to look composite.

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So he is using comps. then. Hmm. I remember that old post with pics of the WCofH and his XX had an aluminum foil looking thing right at the tip. Kinda Easton AG-esque. I wasn't sure we ever came to a full conclusion on what that was exactly.

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I just can't see him going to aluminum after all the A/C-A/G years and what not, but I suppose anything's possible.

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So he is using comps. then. Hmm. I remember that old post with pics of the WCofH and his XX had an aluminum foil looking thing right at the tip. Kinda Easton AG-esque. I wasn't sure we ever came to a full conclusion on what that was exactly.

It's not an aluminum stick. He likes the look of silver at the bottom so they try to make it look like his old sticks for him.

I'm surprised that he hasn't asked for a comp shaft completely chromed to look like an old Gretz aluminum.

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how do you know this stuff chadd?

Some of it comes from things people told me directly, some of it comes from remembering what "people who know things" post here. When something comes up for the third, fourth or fifth times, we tend to know an answer by then.

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Has anybody here actually played with it?

Have the XV but would really like a good standard shaft since we play on asphalt here :rolleyes:

And the Novius 260 I have just seems to be flexing weird...

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I havent played with it, this shaft may be available only in europe and asia and australia. I was gunna pick it up but it was like 200 dollares or something crazy

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