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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 9k Pumps

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I know the answer to this question is probably no, but I still would like to ask it, seeing as there are probably ccm/reebok/lhs reps/employees here.

Is there any way that I could get the 9k's now? If I were to call a Reebok rep, ex a person listed on this website (which would make sense, because they are based out of canton, ma, and I live in ma) See here for an ex of a reebok rep

could I get a pair of these? Or would I just have to wait for their Xmas release date? This is just out of curiousty, as the skates look nasty.

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yeah I think you are right but they have some sort of center of operations (I don't know how the business world would phrase that) in canton

The worldwide Reebok Headquarters are in Canton. That has absolutely nothing to do with hockey though. Anyways if Corry doesnt even have them yet,I think that there is no way you are getting them at this time.

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My sales rep won't even have one to show me till the end of the month. XMAS delivery is severely OPTOMISTIC! I still haven't gotten stuff I ordered last January!

Tried to place a order yesterday, seems they are moving warehouses/offices again. No one will be in till tuesday.

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It's Canadian Thanksgiving this Monday. Gobble-gobble!

so what your saying is convienant excuse to take a 4-day holiday. hmmmm :P

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Just wait until they come out and get them. Their not going to make a major impact in your life or game. Besides if your wearing Grafs your already in a high quality product with great durability so you can surely wait until these puppies hit the market. ;)

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