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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nice find at LHS

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Watching my schools JV team today, and wondered into the shop and found a brand new Guerin tilage for $75. It was a must try. Let you know how it works out after a couple weeks of practices.

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I also had a nice find recently.A "Play It Again"{which I hadn't been too in 2 years}had original Louiville Responses selling for $50 a piece.There were only 3 left and I bought two of them.The guy at "PIA" said he had a shipment of 30 but they went fast.I'm not too crazy about the curve{Tkachuk},but I have always like the feel of the oringinal Response more than other ops.

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Pinkfloyd, i also loved the feel of the Response. i thought that when you broke a blade off a cut it to take standards it had possibly the best feel, other than a full wood stick.

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Pinkfloyd, i also loved the feel of the Response. i thought that when you broke a blade off a cut it to take standards it had possibly the best feel, other than a full wood stick.

They're still my favorite stick of all time. I used to put wood t-flex blades in when the blades died and they were still excellent.

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i wish i would of picked one up when my LHS had them one sale for $99 cad. i love my R+ it ranks up there with my old pro stock synergy as my favorite stick.

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Pinkfloyd, i also loved the feel of the Response. i thought that when you broke a blade off a cut it to take standards it had possibly the best feel, other than a full wood stick.

They're still my favorite stick of all time. I used to put wood t-flex blades in when the blades died and they were still excellent.

I could never find wood t-flex blades to put in, but it still worked pretty good with a bauer 1000 blade, still my favourite blade. Great feel, durablility could use some work.

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