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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Crosby loses another jersey

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Homeboy needs a new road alias. Seeing as how Ron Mexico's tainted, I'm sure he can come up with something better.

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Put it in a box and FedEx the damn thing.

Right, because that is so much more safe than checking luggage

They track it a hell of a lot better. I would be willing to bet if you compared the number of pieces of luggage lost to the number of FedEx/UPS/etc.. packages lost that the luggage is a much higher number.

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as much as i wonder how much that jersey might be worth one has to wonder how much his first nhl goal puck is worth if he lives up to the hype... can you imagine how much gretzky's first goal puck would be worth right now!!! :angry:

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whod show a caps jersey off?

im talkin about his antics at the WJC. when he was taunting and showing off his jersey. this isnt football... no place for that crap in hockey.

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The article about it in the local paper here said the the airline would not comment on weather it fell out or was taken out of his bag.

Come on now... Who do they think they are fooling???

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