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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood 5030 Featherlite

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Not bad, but they don't last me more than a 2-3 games. They're also about 50% more than a Christian 1000.

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Especially with the 5030 I had the feeling that it really soaks a lot of moisture. Not the blade but the hole stick because it´s not really laminated or lets say the thin layer of fiber below the finish is not enough in my opinion. It´s a good stick regarding feel. But It feels really heavy and after one practice it was also toally deformed. I.E. curved backward along the shaft pretty much for me at least. That was the 5030 of bout 4 years ago but I don´t think they changed it much.

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Is the christian a carbon copy? I like the wood (no lami) feel of the SW....

No fiber on the shaft of the Christian but it is sealed.

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Is the christian a carbon copy? I like the wood (no lami) feel of the SW....

No fiber on the shaft of the Christian but it is sealed.

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Where can I get one in the drury curve (5)? YOu don thave any on your website

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We don't stock every curve in every stick, we don't have the space to store them. Drury is #3, 5 is iggy/hull. Sherwood doesn't have a Drury clone either.

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i dont know why you say they're not as durible. of course its all relative but i found when i was using the retail 5030s it held up extremely well, never broke one at the shaft and always broke at the blade after 5-6 ice times of heavy usage.

the 5030 sops i have now have even stiffer blade and it has lasted me much more than the retail ones i have used.

it seems werid how sherwood say crosby is a lie 6 but i matched it up to a modano and it was spot on.

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sher woods are the best wood sticks out there IMO besides the z carbon. why not go with the best selling wood stick ever? i use to use them, wouldnt break them but have them go soft, a great buy.

ps lol kovulchuk, u change sticks more than i change women, and thats often lol

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I've been using the same 5030 for going on my second season I think. I don't take any slappers though so maybe that's why they last so long, but other than that I think my play is pretty typical. I like the sw's though I have one back up, when that goes I'm thinking about trying some christian's.

edit: I agree though they do tend to get soft, but everytime I think that and plan on changing my stick I still get some nice shots off so keep using it. I'll probably use it till it breaks.

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The Sher-Wood 5030 and the Christian 1000 are both ACV (Aircraft Veneer) handles. While there is no fiberglass reinforcement to the shaft, the ACV is a very durable handle. Your main durability issues on these sticks will be at the hosel of the blade. The 5030 and the 1000 do not have a reinforced hosel, making that a somewhat delicate area.

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Where can I get one in the drury curve (5)? YOu don thave any on your website

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We don't stock every curve in every stick, we don't have the space to store them. Drury is #3, 5 is iggy/hull. Sherwood doesn't have a Drury clone either.

Actually the Regehr is now a Drury clone.

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Where can I get one in the drury curve (5)? YOu don thave any on your website

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We don't stock every curve in every stick, we don't have the space to store them. Drury is #3, 5 is iggy/hull. Sherwood doesn't have a Drury clone either.

Actually the Regehr is now a Drury clone.

When did they introduce that one? I've never seen it.

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Where can I get one in the drury curve (5)? YOu don thave any on your website

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We don't stock every curve in every stick, we don't have the space to store them. Drury is #3, 5 is iggy/hull. Sherwood doesn't have a Drury clone either.

Actually the Regehr is now a Drury clone.

havlat is now lidstrom, spezza is still their. and a few others that I don't remember.

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It must be new - I got my Momemtum XD blades in and they now list their curves along with the Easton clone...so the Regehr says DR Regehr on the hosel. Kovy is right about the Havlat, same thing - LI Havlat.

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lol, still looking for that one special stick :)

You will have it soon. Your sticks are shipping today.

His are the #3 blades, the sticks are Eazy's

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I had to go buy another stick last night too :( Quest 2 Woody, at least it's pretty decent. Light, nice shape, good feel. I was impressed. There's a temporary option for you Kovy. The PM66 curve didn't seem as Druryish as I would've liked. More like a P106 to me.

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lol, still looking for that one special stick :)

You will have it soon. Your sticks are shipping today.

His are the #3 blades, the sticks are Eazy's

Awww.....You got my hopes up pio :o

Eazy, I will check that out...thanks :)

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