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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This is not good at all

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Ok my friend tino was hit by a car friday night. Tino was hit by a car goin 50 walking across a street. he was hit and was thrown 100 Feet away from where he was hit. his shoes were still in the place where he was hit by the driver. He was flown to U of M hospital to go through 7 hours of surgey. He is suffering from internal bleeding, two broken legs, both arms are broken, Ribs are broken, and he might have a spin injury where he could be in a wheel-chair for the rest of his life. He is also in a coma right now. I was just wondering what does everyone think he chances of making it are i really dont think people are giving me a strait anwser with this because they do not want to scare me but i really wanna know if anyone is a doctor or has anytype of experience with these types of injuries would kno his chances. im gonna go see him in the hospital tomorrow. Its sucha shame he is only 15. Please pray for my friend. :(

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I believe we only have one actual medical doctor here and I'm sure it would be difficult for him to tell without a lot more info that I'm sure you don't have access to.

Please pass along the best wishes of all of us here at MSH.

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That reminds me of a story that I never wanted to think of again...

Two and half years ago my friend fell in front of a bus after school and his head got ran over by the front tire... I heard a loud pop and I knew it wasn't good. He died later that night at the hospital from internal head bleeding.

I know how you feel man. I wish him the best and I'll definately keep him in my prayers.

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His condition is improving. He is still in a coma but he squeezed my friends hand. The doctors say he is gonna pull thro they just are unsure on if he well be paralized at all. Im just glad he is doing better

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Being an ER doc I'll give you my best guess.......

The fact that he has survived the first 24 hours is a great indicator that he will most likely survive. Most of the internal bleeding has probably stopped. You did not mention anything about a head injury......That also is a good sign. The bones will heal. The big question now is how is the function of his spine. That they truely cannot asses until he wakes up. Until then I'll be praying for him. Hope this helps. If you have any other specific questions please feel free to PM me!!!

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Ok the internal bleeding did stop and he got surgury on his shin that was shattered. He was moving his legs before the surgury so the doctors do not think he was paralized. He looks really bad right now his face was really swollen and he had a broken cheak bone. The doctors said that he well have a really long revovery time and he may never be able to play football or basketball again but he well be able to walk. Thanks to everyone who commented.

EDIT on the question about finding the driver he was the one who called 911 . In the papers they mistakenly put it was a hit and run.

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Hey that's good to hear. Your friend was unlucky to get hit, but lucky to pull through.

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Wow, what a sullen reminder of how fragile we all are. Hope your friend pulls through with great success. Be ready to encourage him through lots of pain and rehab.

Best wishes.

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