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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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question about 1st year easton skates

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so i was skateguarding public skate at work, and some kid came on with the easton air with the ultra lites (green monsters) as holders. what were the deal with these back in the day? they sounded sick when i was like 14, obv POS's, but what was technology behind these suckers? i remember they would always break, but i wasnt into equipmetn back then like i am now so...

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I hated sharpening them. Back then we had to take the steel off just to sharpen them. What a pain in the ass. They cracked and broke if you blocked shots as well.

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yeah i think they were made to be a stronger holder which proved false and like chadd i hate sharpening those skates because if theres no holder put on then you dont know how even the edges are. i usually charge 10bucks cause its really labouring to sharpen them

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There's a pair of those skates for sale at my sharpening place, used, been there for atleast 3 years, and he's asking 325 bucks for em :lol:

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Their big thing was that they were really really stiff. I remember someone telling me that only the really big guys got any benefit from the extra stiffness, so with all the durability issues they weren't worth the hassle.

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