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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Branches shaft

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there was a graf shaft, i forget the name, it was the double trouble though... with graf graphics

They were pretty thin, almost like a cyclone.

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I also loved Branches. I have a K-lite shaft that I've retired before it breaks. Would it do any good to call contact Bending Branches directly and see if they have any of their old hockey inventory left-over in one of their warehouses? Seriously, when a company like this quits making a certain product but the company continues what happens with the former products? Heck, they are in Wisconsin and hockey is pretty big there so I'm betting many of the employers there play so would the company keep some of their "extra" products?

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Id be all over that if it wasnt xx-stiff.

Thanks though kovalchuk

Actually you wouldn't be - we only use air mail for international orders and they don't let us send anything over 1.05m in length. If anyone is coming to New Zealand though, we have a stack of Branches shafts sitting here....

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One of the semi-local rinks were blowing Branches stuff out last year, I bought a Easton Drury blade and the Branches shaft was 65% off, total cost was around $32 for the both of them when it was said and done, wish I had bought the last 4 shafts then.................

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there was a graf shaft, i forget the name, it was the double trouble though... with graf graphics

They were pretty thin, almost like a cyclone.

The Graf version was very rounded where the Branches version was traditional/boxy shaped.

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there was a graf shaft, i forget the name, it was the double trouble though... with graf graphics

They were pretty thin, almost like a cyclone.

The Graf version was very rounded where the Branches version was traditional/boxy shaped.

We had some of the double troubles in the shop where I worked a few years ago and they were rounded, but larger than the Graf. The Grafs were very thin and not the most durable shafts I've ever seen either.

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Like Inno and TPS, Branches had different shapes for their shafts. They called their more oval shape of shafts the "radius corner". If anyone knows where I could find a medium flex K-lite with the radius corner, please let me know!

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Nice found, just to know...i know we talked about these but can't remember!any opinions?


And by the wa, what are the spec on these BRANCHES shaft... i check their 4 different model...and they all have the same description(250gram with square edge(or rounded) and different flex)

Are these shaft really 250 gram??

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