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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL'ers using non-high-end equipment?

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Yes Poti is algeric to almost evreything. I saw some bad hockey show with him being interviewed about it. Come to think about it, i think it was either that show with dan mignardi(sp?) or lindros's brother.

But the carbon splinters is just whack

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Yeah! Donzis! Those were the ones. Damn, JR. Thay actually looked like football pads, or alot like the Douglas pads. Very shoulder pad heavy. Does Dougla make football gear?

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When you say "Old Easton" shoulders, do you mean the old-ass ones that were like all black plastic and and orange colored padding underneath? Those be OLLLLD SCHHHOOL.

This could be a really bad rumor, but I have heard that Poti has a rare disease that makes him allergic to many things (Peanuts, Chocolate being some). In fact, when he was in college, his roomie made a PBandJ sandwhich and had left some peanut butter on a door handle. Poti touched it got seriously ill. Now the rumor I heard is that he is allergic to graphite too. So he likes the aluminum (PP too I guess) cuz the graphites break and he cant be touching the splintered material.

Total rumor, I know. But I did hear it.

Poti is allergic to many things, but not graphite (having broken graphite splinters in your hand will bother most though). He has been using an aluminum shaft since high school, back then he used the chrome Gretzky 5100. He used that all through college and then into the pros, experimented with a few options, but still prefers aluminum. Haven't seen recently, but for a while he was using the chrome aluminums painted to look like Z-Bubbles.

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just because equipment is not the highest price point item, does not make it low end equipment... some of the less expensive sticks are fantastic sticks with tons of technology in them. People seem to always assume lighter and more expensive is best...and newest is best...etc

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When you say "Old Easton" shoulders, do you mean the old-ass ones that were like all black plastic and and orange colored padding underneath? Those be OLLLLD SCHHHOOL.

This could  be a really bad rumor, but I have heard that Poti has a rare disease that makes him allergic to many things (Peanuts, Chocolate being some). In fact, when he was in college, his roomie made a PBandJ sandwhich and had left some peanut butter on a door handle. Poti touched it got seriously ill. Now the rumor I heard is that he is allergic to graphite too. So he likes the aluminum (PP too I guess) cuz the graphites break and he cant be touching the splintered material.

Total rumor, I know. But I did hear it.

Poti is allergic to many things, but not graphite (having broken graphite splinters in your hand will bother most though). He has been using an aluminum shaft since high school, back then he used the chrome Gretzky 5100. He used that all through college and then into the pros, experimented with a few options, but still prefers aluminum. Haven't seen recently, but for a while he was using the chrome aluminums painted to look like Z-Bubbles.

yep i have one of those, i'm surprised it's still stand 48" considering he uses a pretty long stick

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lets see? how many nhlers get their gear custom made??

so probably alot of nhlers are using non high end equipment except there

gear is made to look like the high end equipment for more advertising !!

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When you say "Old Easton" shoulders, do you mean the old-ass ones that were like all black plastic and and orange colored padding underneath? Those be OLLLLD SCHHHOOL.

This could be a really bad rumor, but I have heard that Poti has a rare disease that makes him allergic to many things (Peanuts, Chocolate being some). In fact, when he was in college, his roomie made a PBandJ sandwhich and had left some peanut butter on a door handle. Poti touched it got seriously ill. Now the rumor I heard is that he is allergic to graphite too. So he likes the aluminum (PP too I guess) cuz the graphites break and he cant be touching the splintered material.

Total rumor, I know. But I did hear it.

I don't know about Graphite but he is rediculously alergic to stuff. I remember they had a story on him on the news when he was still here in Edmonton, on road trips all he would eat would be cereal because that's the only thing he could trust to not have a reaction to, or something like that.

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I don't know about Graphite but he is rediculously alergic to stuff. I remember they had a story on him on the news when he was still here in Edmonton, on road trips all he would eat would be cereal because that's the only thing he could trust to not have a reaction to, or something like that.


It's strange to see compliments of his play in print.

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