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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jagr's stick

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Blacked out. Jags preferrs all black schemes (Tape, black shaft, blade holders on his skates) in order to hide the puck better. I guess you can't argue, he is the #2 scoring European ever. I guess his blacked out illegal-ass curve might help too :lol: .


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Sorry, I meant the bottom portion of his shaft is blacked out. If you look at the 1st pick on this thread, you can see he has blacked out what is normally a silverish color on the V130.

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It's not orange. It's a piece of "Lucky" red tape Jags uses. He does a layer in red, then goes again with black. Been doin' it for years.

Fury...Just concentrate on hitting the net, ok? Seriously. Now you're in D4..it's the big show. No more fooling around like in D5.

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Fury...Just concentrate on hitting the net, ok? Seriously. Now you're in D4..it's the big show. No more fooling around like in D5.

So I really have to start playing? :P I'm not worried about hitting the net. I'm more worried about lugging the extra 30 pounds of my gut around.

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Jagr using a Stealth? I don't think so. Are you sure you didn't just mistake his V130 for one? I have never seen Jags using any Easton products in a game. I have seen him using a Synergy at a Caps practice I saw when visiting the DC area a few years ago. NASTY curve. I swear it was a like a 2" curve.

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imagine how amazing washington's offense would be if jag's was still a cap... yikes... him and ovechkin... :mellow:

.....and not much else.

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Well, whatever Jagr's stick is, it just broke in the shootout. Pierre Maguire is going to have a field day with this.

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If you were going int a shootout...wouldn't grab a new stick. Never been flexed, never been slashed...maybe a little more durable to prevent something like that.

Now, I know it COULD still break, but it wouldn't have 60+ minutes of hacking, shooting and slashing all over it.

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If you were going int a shootout...wouldn't grab a new stick. Never been flexed, never been slashed...maybe a little more durable to prevent something like that.

Now, I know it COULD still break, but it wouldn't have 60+ minutes of hacking, shooting and slashing all over it.

But it's raw and untested. Yo uhave to go with the one that's already working for you.

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If you were going int a shootout...wouldn't grab a new stick. Never been flexed, never been slashed...maybe a little more durable to prevent something like that.

Now, I know it COULD still break, but it wouldn't have 60+ minutes of hacking, shooting and slashing all over it.

I bet all the NHLers would think about it now...

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I've been way too superstitious with sticks, bats, etc. to switch to something cold unless it was in obvious danger of breaking.

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If you were going int a shootout...wouldn't grab a new stick. Never been flexed, never been slashed...maybe a little more durable to prevent something like that.

Now, I know it COULD still break, but it wouldn't have 60+ minutes of hacking, shooting and slashing all over it.

how do we know that he didn't grab a "special one" off the bench just for the shoot out and that's the one that broke ? I read that Al MacInnis has 5-7 different hockey sticks for specific situations (power play, penalty kill, 5 on 5, etc).

I am just guessing that Jagr has a couple of special "tweaked blades" sticks just for shoot outs and power play. I know its the shaft that broke and not the blade but these modified sticks could be prone to breakage just like Sundin's sticks two years ago. If you look at where the shaft snapped it happened where he was flexing it not where people slash at.

I am just guessing and I could be wrong.

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If you were going int a shootout...wouldn't grab a new stick. Never been flexed, never been slashed...maybe a little more durable to prevent something like that.

Now, I know it COULD still break, but it wouldn't have 60+ minutes of hacking, shooting and slashing all over it.

how do we know that he didn't grab a "special one" off the bench just for the shoot out and that's the one that broke ? I read that Al MacInnis has 5-7 different hockey sticks for specific situations (power play, penalty kill, 5 on 5, etc).

I am just guessing that Jagr has a couple of special "tweaked blades" sticks just for shoot outs and power play. I know its the shaft that broke and not the blade but these modified sticks could be prone to breakage just like Sundin's sticks two years ago. If you look at where the shaft snapped it happened where he was flexing it not where people slash at.

I am just guessing and I could be wrong.

Yeah...I suppose. Still...sucks. That was a good fake.

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