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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shock Doctor Flex Cup

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I was out of town this weekend and came across a Shock Doctor Flex Cup with the X-fit supporter. Looked interesting so I bought it but I bought it mainly for the cup itself to use with my Itech Pro Lycra shorts. Does anyone use this cup and any comments?

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The cup fits nice but it's the whole x-fit-supporter that is great. Never had one that stays in place as good as this thing.

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I agree, the cup is nice. I like that it is made out of a hard rubber material, it is a lot more flexible than the normal hard plastic. But as has been mentioned, the Shock Doctor jock is the key, keeps everything in place real nicely.

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Do any of you guys use the cup with other supporters? Like the Itech jock shorts?

I wear the jock shorts. I love them. I dont' even use the goddamn straps sometimes and they hold fine...last count:

balls - 2

dick - 1

looks good to me.

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Do any of you guys use the cup with other supporters?  Like the Itech jock shorts?

I wear the jock shorts. I love them. I dont' even use the goddamn straps sometimes and they hold fine...last count:

balls - 2

dick - 1

looks good to me.


i go traditional cup n support all the way!

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I don't like the cup as the thing goes "down and around" if you get my drift. I use the supporter with a cup from my itech jock plus. Stays in place like a charm.

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Do any of you guys use the cup with other supporters? Like the Itech jock shorts?

i use the cup with Easton's tight fitting jock...works alright but the cup is a little long for the easton jock so i have to leave the vecro pouch open.

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I don't like the cup as the thing goes "down and around" if you get my drift. I use the supporter with a cup from my itech jock plus. Stays in place like a charm.

The new WSI is a little like that. Nothing like getting a shocker when you go over the boards.

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I don't like the cup as the thing goes "down and around" if you get my drift. I use the supporter with a cup from my itech jock plus. Stays in place like a charm.

The new WSI is a little like that. Nothing like getting a shocker when you go over the boards.


i HATE when that happens, ruins the next couple of shifts.

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I don't like the cup as the thing goes "down and around" if you get my drift. I use the supporter with a cup from my itech jock plus. Stays in place like a charm.

The new WSI is a little like that. Nothing like getting a shocker when you go over the boards.


i HATE when that happens, ruins the next couple of shifts.

I figure it would probably get you jumpin for a couple more shifts...

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I don't like the cup as the thing goes "down and around" if you get my drift. I use the supporter with a cup from my itech jock plus. Stays in place like a charm.

The new WSI is a little like that. Nothing like getting a shocker when you go over the boards.


i HATE when that happens, ruins the next couple of shifts.

I figure it would probably get you jumpin for a couple more shifts...

So do you sac yourself when you run out of steam? ;)

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i use teh shock doctor with the shock doctor cup. its the nicest thing! you cant even feel its there and it protects great. it never moves or chaffes

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