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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Torhs Team

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I got one a while ago, bout 3 years, used it for about 1 year, now it just sits in my basement. That 1 year I used it was def. my best year--ahead of the pack.

any of you still using them? does it still make a huge diff?

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It really helped, I used it alot when i was younger when i was still striving for the -Pros- :ph34r: but stopped using it, just wanted to know if it still helps alot if you use if for a long period of time .

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Wow, that's some serious coin!

$730 for the machine, and 58 bucks for the cord.

If I was going somewhere with hockey I'd do it, but damn...thats alot of money! It's got me seriously interested though. My form is pretty good, and I have decent speed for a little guy like myself, but I always want more. hmm.

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I still use mine on occasion, its probably going to get some use over spring break. Its good for developing knee bend and full extension more than anything, it definitely won't help with quick feet. I also stickhandle while im doing it, which i would highly recommend. Keeping the correct form while stickhandling is difficult at first. I think it was a good investment.

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