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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I dont use the finger grips or a huge knob, all i do is go 6 inches of tape down the shaft and then at the very top i make a very small knob out of thin tape and this small knob goes right into the middle of my hand. Does anyone do this? And is this a good way of holding the stick or will it rob my shots of power? or is it personal perference?

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i sometimes make a knob out of grip or electric tape (For its thinness), but usually i just make a amll know w/ tape and put it in the middle of my hand.

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Guest Stax7
sgazi76 Posted on Apr 25 2004, 03:05 PM

  I cut down regular hockey tape and make a thinner knob, but keep it fairly big. 

i also do that but i dont make it huge

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This should be in hockey discussion

I do a Bertuzzi/ Kaberle butt end.

Srry, i shoulda put it there, and what is a bertuzzi/kaberle butt end?

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on my team said to have the ugliest knob but i like it

i like to make one time around top, twist tape and go down 4-6 inches down shaft and same up (twice) then tape over it twice. It i fairly thick but i dont make a knob on top. i also keep it in the middle of my hand, but it is usually wood form the butt end that is there

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This should be in hockey discussion

I do a Bertuzzi/ Kaberle butt end.

Srry, i shoulda put it there, and what is a bertuzzi/kaberle butt end?

Its using white tape and taping from the top of the stick down about a foot to a foot and a half with little to no knob. Thats what I do, but I don't put any knob on it at all.

Dan-How do you do the Tucker? I've always wondered.

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I twist tape 3 times around the butt end once, and then make a second layer of 3 right on top of the first layer to give the knob more thickness. I tape over that knob and then down the shaft down about 6". Sometimes I'll start down the shaft and tape towards the butt end instead. The result is a knob that's about 1/2" wide and about 1/4" thicker than the butt end.

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Guest Stax7
Dan-How do you do the Tucker? I've always wondered
YaH i was wondering about that as well

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Guest phillyfan

I use white tape, and I usually make the regular little butt end knob on the end, wrap twice about the width of my glove palm, and make another little knob, it sort of looks like this.


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Mine are very minimal. Either 1/4 or 1/8" of a tape roll, wind it around 10-12 times, then one layer of ankle tape (the one that's light and looks like it has pores) about 6" down.

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Rip tape in half, go around 20 or so times, continue down 6-8" all in white. Sorta like Bertuzzi's except not shaved down as much or nearly as long.

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I used to do that. It was probably because of how short my sticks used to be.

I hold my stick weird, part of my palm is actually on top of the shaft, so a butt end drives me nuts.

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tear tape in half and make about a 3/4 inch wide knob that's fairly small in size. go about four inches down the shaft or enough to cover wood butt end. tightly wrap electrical tape around knob and a small strip to cover the end of the cloth tape that's further down the shaft. rub thick layer of wax on still exposed cloth tape. take glove and twist in palm rubbing the wax around and on to the electrical tape. it takes a bit of time to do, but it last's forever. i hold my hand around the knob, so i like to have a little bit of slippage there to twist.

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first I take a piece of rope and wrap it around the shaft a couple times about an inch apart. Then I wrap tape around about 2-3 times. Then for the knob I just take that same tape and wrap it in circles until I get a knob that feels right when I hold it.

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I wrap tape around the very top twice, roll out about 6" and twist so it's like a rope, wrap it around until I get to where the "rope" ends, then tape over the "rope" to the top and finish my butt end.

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I wrap tape around the very top twice, roll out about 6" and twist so it's like a rope, wrap it around until I get to where the "rope" ends, then tape over the "rope" to the top and finish my butt end.

Thats called the finger grips.

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I use electrical tape. I usually just go about 4 or 5 inches down with one layer, I can't stand big knobs or a lot of tape.

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10 times around with 1" tape, then cover that with black electric tape and go about 1/2" longer down with the electric tape.

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