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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Konolwalchuk Gold SL?

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Kono uses SL Grip. Only Brad May uses Trilage in Colorado.

Trevor Daley is using it in Dallas. Not sure who else has got it.

I've seen Tucker and Malhotra with them as well

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Him and Morrison use the older long hoseled tapered blades.

As Chadd mentioned many posts ago, the shorter hosel blades tend to make sticks seem stiffer. Like 85 flexs fee like 95 and so on.

Perhaps they like the longer hoseled blades cuz they don't add much to the flex. Just a guess.

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Him and Morrison use the older long hoseled tapered blades.

As Chadd mentioned many posts ago, the shorter hosel blades tend to make sticks seem stiffer. Like 85 flexs fee like 95 and so on.

Perhaps they like the longer hoseled blades cuz they don't add much to the flex. Just a guess.

I prefer the longer wood hosel for shooting but I did break a lot of them. With the shorter hosel, I tend to wear them out before they break.

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Are thre many of these ''long hosled'' tapered blades? Ive only seen one i think.

Not anymore. I used to get pro return t-flexes but you can't find them anywhere. I've switched to R2/L2 style shafts and putting a longer hosel blade in there just doesn't feel right to me.

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