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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy II

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I will try to grab my roomates digital camera and get some pics tonight when i get home from work so you can all see it. I'll be using it tomorrow too so I will put a review of how it compares to the synth and I will agree the balance does feel a little better just messing around with it.

Make a Warrior Dolomite shot.

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Just got to use the 'Synergy II' today. sorry about the lack of pics...but anyway the shaft feels great. good feel, good balance, and the puck has a nice release with it. I was using a wood blade and it felt really good, i think its more responsive than the sysnthesis. The shaft had a nice kick to it, more similiar to a synergy then what the synthesis felt like.

Compared to the stealth, the shaft feels a slightly thicker in width and shape but I think the stealth feels a little different because of its weight. I am going to skate again tonight and use a composite blade and see how it feels compared to the wood and I will let you guys know how that goes.

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I was in touch with Epuck and they are selling them for $99.95, excellent price i think. Cavs or game, one of you must have pics by now?

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