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paypal claim experiences

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from what i have seen as an observer of this turco35 fiasco..

it seems paypal is pretty useless in getting your money back even if they rule in your favor...

is this accurate? may differ with credit cards vs bank transfers...

any one have stories in how they handle claims?

apparently if your paypal account is hacked,

paypal won't reimburse you and will do very little to help you recover your funds.

is this true?

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Paypal is just an intermediary. Not really their place to get your funds back (if you sent funds via a moneygram ala Western Union, would you expect them to get the money back for you? No).

SO, your best bet is to go through your credit card company (hopefully you paid that way). If you paid through your bank, there are fewer recourses you can take, and they will likely take longer.

BUT, Paypal is not the entity you should pursue action through.

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I'm about to find out how it works or if it will. I won something, had it shipped and right as I hit the "pay" button, I saw it had an old address of mine as the "ship to" address. I had changed it before and it still hadn't taken on PayPal's site and my item was declared shipped over the weekend. PayPal is balls.

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i havent had any problems with paypal, few months back i registered with napster lite, where you only pay for the songs you buy no monthly charges, but napster charged me a monthly fee and since i was set up with paypal as my payment option, i put in a claim with paypal, and 10 days later i got my $10 back. paypal gives the company you are placing the claim with 10 days to make a response, if their is no response you get your money back

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Paypal is NOT A BANK, THEY ARE A SERVICE. I refuse to accept payment by Paypal when I sell on ebay. Any problem with Paypal is hassle city from any story I hear about. You guys are just the latest stories to add, I'm sorry to say. Paypal also charges a fee to receive money from another country!! So if I sell skates to Kovy in Canada and he uses Paypal, Paypal takes a % of the money Kovy sends me!! I don't think so!!

The moral of the story is send international money orders from banks or the post office. SCREW PAYPAL BEFORE THEY SCREW YOU!

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You should see the prob with pay pal when its a virtual good (like a online game).I been scammed for 300$ of a (ultima Online) thing.And one month later i got a reversed thing on it and lost the 300$ and since i could not prove cause it was a virtual good on a internet game pay pal could not do anything.

I rather use Western Union then Pay Pal.


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You should see the prob with pay pal when its a virtual good (like a online game).I been scammed for 300$ of a (ultima Online) thing.And one month later i got a reversed thing on it and lost the 300$ and since i could not prove cause it was a virtual good on a internet game pay pal could not do anything.

I rather use Western Union then Pay Pal.


Those games generate logs, it could be proven if he did transfer the items you paid for.

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I have had a mixed bag with paypal. Something that irkes the hell out of me is that whenever a buyer puts in a claim paypal will recind the money out of your account until proven otherwise, ie the default postion is the buyer is always right which is as we all know not always true. So what kind of seller protection is there? My second beef with paypal is the 30 day period they let you make a claim. What if as in this ongoing MSH case the person who was supposed to ship does not but it takes over 30 days to discover the item was not sent? What then

Paypal is not a bank but they sure do present themselves as a money holder and not an inetmediary. They even offer credit cards and debits cards with Mastercard logos without the security benifits that a genuine mastercard carries. They toe the line of legitimacy, which I liken to SafeAuto insurance company. Yeah that will suffice as insurance to get your car inspected but lordie lord don't get into an accident with it.

With that said paypal is damm convenient and better than sending a money order. There is also c2it from citibank

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visit www.paypalsucks.com

I hate to use it but most idiot ebay sellers will only take it. One of my last purchases, the seller was refunding me the money (because the new in box item didn't work). Anyway for some reason he sent it to an old email address I USE to have a ebay acct on. I never got the money, Paypal had no record and told me I could not submit a claim cause there was nothing to claim. Only a threat of a negative feedback got me my money.

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Well I guess the person who got my item took it to the post office out of the goodness of their heart and it's back at my correct address. Neutral feedback for the seller who cannot read email and a big thumbs up for humanity. I just hope they didn't get scared by the gimp mask inside, but oh well at least eBay's not totally full of Turcos.

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As a general FYI...

You guys should never leave funds in a paypal account. If you sell something, withdraw the funds immediately. If you buy something, use a credit card.

Paypal cannot revoke your funds if there is nothing in the account. If you are honest, and there is a dispute, you can settle it with the buyer later. But if you leave the money in paypals hands, they can freeze the cash for lord knows how long.

Just a general safe tip to protect your money. Online purchasing is great when all parties inovlved are trustworthy, but that obviously isn't always the case.

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As a general FYI...

You guys should never leave funds in a paypal account. If you sell something, withdraw the funds immediately. If you buy something, use a credit card.

Paypal cannot revoke your funds if there is nothing in the account. If you are honest, and there is a dispute, you can settle it with the buyer later. But if you leave the money in paypals hands, they can freeze the cash for lord knows how long.

Just a general safe tip to protect your money. Online purchasing is great when all parties inovlved are trustworthy, but that obviously isn't always the case.

This man knows what he's talking about. Paypal can't do anything if you don't have money in your Paypal balance.

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As a general FYI...

You guys should never leave funds in a paypal account.  If you sell something, withdraw the funds immediately.  If you buy something, use a credit card.

Paypal cannot revoke your funds if there is nothing in the account.  If you are honest, and there is a dispute, you can settle it with the buyer later.  But if you leave the money in paypals hands, they can freeze the cash for lord knows how long.

Just a general safe tip to protect your money.  Online purchasing is great when all parties inovlved are trustworthy, but that obviously isn't always the case.

This man knows what he's talking about. Paypal can't do anything if you don't have money in your Paypal balance.

I believe PAYPAL can still get a collection agency to come after you for the balance owing.

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Can someone enlighten me as to why some vendors will refuse to accept Paypal payments made through a credit card ? I saw this on Ebay today and it confused me.

I believe the seller gets charged a percentage of the price if a credit card is used. That's why some sellers charge you to pay extra if you use Paypal via credit card.

The seller prefers you use Paypal via your bank account.

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Paypal is NOT A BANK, THEY ARE A SERVICE. I refuse to accept payment by Paypal when I sell on ebay. Any problem with Paypal is hassle city from any story I hear about. You guys are just the latest stories to add, I'm sorry to say. Paypal also charges a fee to receive money from another country!! So if I sell skates to Kovy in Canada and he uses Paypal, Paypal takes a % of the money Kovy sends me!! I don't think so!!

The moral of the story is send international money orders from banks or the post office. SCREW PAYPAL BEFORE THEY SCREW YOU!

I have never heard of Paypal charging you money for receiving money from outside of the country (I am not saying I don't believe you), but I have not heard anyone mention anything like that when I send them money (from Canada to USA).

How much is the percentage ?

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I have had a mixed bag with paypal. Something that irkes the hell out of me is that whenever a buyer puts in a claim paypal will recind the money out of your account until proven otherwise, ie the default postion is the buyer is always right which is as we all know not always true. So what kind of seller protection is there? My second beef with paypal is the 30 day period they let you make a claim. What if as in this ongoing MSH case the person who was supposed to ship does not but it takes over 30 days to discover the item was not sent? What then

Paypal is not a bank but they sure do present themselves as a money holder and not an inetmediary. They even offer credit cards and debits cards with Mastercard logos without the security benifits that a genuine mastercard carries. They toe the line of legitimacy, which I liken to SafeAuto insurance company. Yeah that will suffice as insurance to get your car inspected but lordie lord don't get into an accident with it.

With that said paypal is damm convenient and better than sending a money order. There is also c2it from citibank

Paypal does have the "seller protection plan" whatever that means to add more protection to the seller.

Word of advice to the 30 or 45 day time limit to make a claim "Protect yourself". Anytime something of value or large expensive, document things and start asking for tracking numbers and when they sent it. If you don't get it, tell them straight up that you will have to file a claim to protect yourself. I was too late and Paypal shut me out. You can put in a claim before the deadline and cancel it later on if you receive the goods later on. Its not a nice way of doing things, but once you get burnt its pretty hard to recover your funds. Always be upfront and let the other party know what is situation.

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from what i have seen as an observer of this turco35 fiasco..

it seems paypal is pretty useless in getting your money back even if they rule in your favor...

is this accurate? may differ with credit cards vs bank transfers...

any one have stories in how they handle claims?

apparently if your paypal account is hacked,

paypal won't reimburse you and will do very little to help you recover your funds.

is this true?

They don't really care about you as a buyer. I made a complaint and talked to a representative and they even said they try to protect the seller, they don't want them to withdraw their money and close the account (basically lose a client).

In the larger scheme of things, these types of claims/disputes are just droplets of water to them in the pail.

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Wow, this guy must work for them.

On the contrary, I hate those guys at Paypal.

A seller ripped me off big time and those bastards at Paypal are still protecting him.

The seller commits fraud and they still don't want to help give back my money. Paypal in this case should be charged as an accessory to the crime.

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I just meant because it sounds like you knew the ins/outs of it all. I hate PayPal, I hate eBay, but I hate malls even more and that's just my Howard Hughes-ness.

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visit www.paypalsucks.com

I hate to use it but most idiot ebay sellers will only take it. One of my last purchases, the seller was refunding me the money (because the new in box item didn't work). Anyway for some reason he sent it to an old email address I USE to have a ebay acct on. I never got the money, Paypal had no record and told me I could not submit a claim cause there was nothing to claim. Only a threat of a negative feedback got me my money.



Hey Jimmy, thanks for the link this is one of the best reads I have seen in a while.

You guys should read this stuff, man is this thing ever dangerous if things go wrong......sigh

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Paypal is an intermediary. If you give someone cash and get screwed, do you ask the U.S. Treasury to go after the guy and get your money back?

Paypal is fine. If you use your credit card, go through your financial institution (typically they have a lot of protection built into the account) and if you used your checking account use your bank (credit cards are better due to the protection). You can bring it up with Paypal as well, but that's not really part of their service, so don't go in expecting them to be able to do much.

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A few comments:

DarkStar: I think accepting PayPal increases your earnings on eBay. I know people who specifically bid only on auctions that accept PayPal because it's much more convenient than writing and mailing a check. Further, there are some who like to use their credit cards to accrue benefits. Thus, the more potential bidders on your item, the greater possibilitly of selling at a higher price. The only thing that stinks is PayPal charges 1% more than other credit card methods.

NuggyBuggy: I'm going off my memory here, but when you create an account at PayPal you have the option of designating it as a Business Account. That allows you to accept credit cards, but puts you into a higher fee structure. The thing that stinks about that, however, is once you are a Business Account, ALL transactions have the fee attached, including bank transfers. Consequently, some sellers do not set up Business Accounts but, again, I think it it lowers your potential revenues.

fastmiele: PayPal does charge a foreign country fee, but it's buried under the details of the fee. In other words, they may show a $1.28 fee and you have to click on Details to see that the fee is $1.00 plus $.28 foreign country fee. I'm quite confident that both buyer and seller get hit up on this fee, which is kinda slimy.

I haven't had any problems with PayPal, but I'm still a young man.... :D

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