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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just picked up a pair of XXX skates

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I wanted to say thanks to those of you who posted reviews on the review forum. I was able to learn quite a bit about all the skates I tried on (Synergy 1300, Rbk 8k, Vector Pros, and the xxx's) before I walked in the store.

Those of you who were back on the old Corebeam and even before that, the Easton Boards (mack, ponty, JR, legodoom) anyone else im forgetting before they spiked would remember the old Wayne. I've been reading posts lately, not posting all that much, but as soon as I get some more time, I'll add my $.02.

If I get time, Maybe i'll post a review up on the boards after skating on them for a little while. Tonight will be the first night I use them, in fact, anything other than my 2002 7000's in 4 years.

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Did you get the XXXs in EE ? Because the other skates you mentioned you were going to try on are wider fitting than XXXs. If you were coming from 7000s than the XXXs should fit pretty well.

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Well, we like to think of Milwaukee as a suburb of Chicago full of bars. Other than applying to dental school, studying during my final year of undergraduate biomedical sciences major, and playing hockey here at Marquette. I guess not much...

good to talk to you guys... i'll be more frequent here starting fairly soon.

As far as the XXXs are concerned, I skated on them for the first time last night. They were the most comfortable-first-time-being-worn-skates I've ever skated on (quite a number). I didn't think I would be able to notice a difference between my sweatlogged 7000s and the new xxx's on my feet, but was I wrong. I could tell a HUGE difference in the weight of the skates. I felt like the stiffness of the boot combined with the carbon outsole were very responsive in quick turns. As a career long user of Tuuks I was also pleasently supprised with the Lightspeed 2 holders. I'll post more after using them more...

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I too purchased a pair of XXXs early last month but haven't had a chance to skate in them until 2 nights ago due to an ankle injury.

I was very impressed with the responsiveness of the skates, as Wayne mentioned. Being primarily a Graf wearer for the past 8 years, I feel as if less energy is expended in my XXXs while turning as there was in the Graf skates. Even though I had my ankle taped and was limited in my skating, I could feel the difference in steel quality & responsiveness because of the boot/carbon outsole combined with the different steel.

And the weight? Wow, its like I'm skating on regular shoes and not skates with how light they feel. I am very impressed, and not one ever being too rough on my skate wear/tear, I look forward to having these at least 3 years.

Comfort wise, they were better in that respect than my first couple pairs of Grafs where I had to go back a couple times to get them punched out.

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Just wondering; how would you compare the initial stiffness of the XXX's compared to the initial stiffness of the 7000's?

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I hope the XXX's work out for you. I hope they last you for a while because the durability factor of the XX"s and the Vapor XXX's is not the best. Otherwise their not bad skates.

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I hope the XXX's work out for you. I hope they last you for a while because the durability factor of the XX"s and the Vapor XXX's is not the best. Otherwise their not bad skates.

How can you say that? Many people in my Junior team have been wearing the Vapor XX skate ever since they came out and they're holding up EXTREMELY well (only the dye comes off).

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