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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Equipment Modifications

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Poron is pretty comfortable on the knees and if anything just adds a bit to the comfort level of the liner. I play soccer goalie and goalie in hockey as well as player weekly so my knees have been taking a beating from playing on a grass/dirt field without time to really heal so this will definitely help with that.


I would've liked to put them on both sides, but I got the slash guards for free so I am only using what I have and put it in the area that gets hit the most. I had no issues with balance or anything yet.

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15 hours ago, A2rhino said:

How comfortable is that? I would think that you would want to do both sides of the knee cap to make it more balance.


I remember seeing a couple of picture of Drew Millers Shin guards being completely beefed up with some sort of hexagon padding from top to bottom. I'll have to do some digging to see if I can find the pics.


I've seen that padding in heaps of NHL locker rooms. I'm keen to know what it is and where to get it!

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18 hours ago, SCATMAN said:


I've seen that padding in heaps of NHL locker rooms. I'm keen to know what it is and where to get it!


That kind of sounds like what McDavid uses for their padded clothing and sleeves.  They sell small sheets of it at retail but it's pretty pricey stuff.



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A few years ago I had bought SherWood 9950s and did a bit of work to them, adding some padding in the front and back and then a belly pad.  After getting hit high in the chest by shoulder - and then a few shots with bruised ribs - I decided to put them away and get something more protective.  For a while I had been thinking about how to pad the upper chest (I take a lot of hits there as I go for loose pucks and stuff) and never really had a sense of how I wanted to handle it.  I finally got around to it and I've been wearing them for a few weeks and I am very, very happy.  These are so mobile and easy to wear and I feel I have plenty of protection. Finally happy with shoulders after a decade of searching!!  For me, these are the only pads on the market where the shoulder caps fit properly and don't make me look like  linebacker.  I am very happy to be back in them and feel much lighter and more mobile on the ice.

The padding I added comes from some Farrell stuff I had lying around and I think some from some other padded garments but I'm not 100% sure.  The belly pad came off a pari of Graf shoulders.  The work was done by my local seamstress at the dry cleaners.

Front of Pads


Rear of Pads (inside view)


Front of pads (inside view)


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Love my CCM Super Tacks elbows, but coming from a pair of much longer 8K's I had concerns about exposed forearm/wrist area ( I have really long arms).  Got whacked it the same spot in back to back games so I made these from a pair of older elbow pads and lock stitched them in. Two games in and don't notice them while playing.  I may add an elastic strap like the Jofa slash guards these are patterned after. 


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