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Help Desperately Needed with School Assignment

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My gr.12 Writer's Craft class has an assignment that I'm stuck on. We're supposed to wrtie an essay (250 words or less) about a person who had significant impact on Canadian Society between January 1 through October 31, 2005. I want to write it on Sydney Crosby, but I can't think of the "right" things to write about to prove my point in 250 words or less.

Somebody please help me.

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if you're dead set on sidney crosby you can talk about his positive influence on the youth of canada who play hockey? His role model skills and how in the age of big egos, inflated salaries, and me myself and I mentality, Crosby really reflects ideals of hardwork, teamwork, and generally puts others before himself.

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Hmm - is this due tomorrow by chance? Notwithstanding that this is a hockey board and we are all hockey nuts, I actually think Sidney's a good choice based on the assignment description. Part of the fabric of any society (ie what brings people together) is its popular shared pastimes - and there's no bigger pastime in Canada than hockey. During the lock-out, it seemed to me that the absence of hockey was quite noticeable. With the end of the lock-out and the excitement building toward the start of the new season, watching the Canadian media Crosby seemed to represent the embodiment of the "rebirth" of hockey, as people followed his path through the draft, pre-season and into regular play. And I think it was his humble attitude as much as his skill that attracted the average Canadian to follow his progress as a common theme bringing people together in day to day life. But seriously though, 250 words a hockey can't be that hard, can it? I just wrote 71.

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It's due on Friday, but I was just stuck. I really like what flash was saying. Flash would you mind if I quoted some of your reply in my paper? I of course will give credit to you on any quote.

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He got people excited about watching hockey again... they'd all want to watch just to see this young phenom playing.

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Make sure you spell his name right.

I once did a whole paper mis-spelling the dudes name...that was bad. :blink:

A buddy of mine did a paper about the Pentium processor when we were in college. He was a terrible speller and always accepted whatever changes the spell check suggested. Fortunately for him his professor permitted him to re-submit the paper because he referenced the new "Intel Penis Processor" about 50 times.

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Make sure you spell his name right.

I once did a whole paper mis-spelling the dudes name...that was bad. :ph34r:

A buddy of mine did a paper about the Pentium processor when we were in college. He was a terrible speller and always accepted whatever changes the spell check suggested. Fortunately for him his professor permitted him to re-submit the paper because he referenced the new "Intel Penis Processor" about 50 times.

wow that sounds like something id do... i try to at least get the obvious words correct tho.

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